Affordable Table Setting Pieces


Good Morning Everyone,

I am peering out of my bedroom window hoping that I don’t see snow! This time last week we had about 2 inches of snow on the ground! I couldn’t believe it. Yesterday evening I went out and checked my lilac bushes, rose bushes, and peonies and everyone looks great! My lilac is even blooming. I went to smell the bushes and they smelled wonderful. My husband and I sat on the porch for a moment and enjoyed the scent. Fingers crossed we have no more snow! Geez! 

I also wanted to tell everyone that the Beverly tote is ready for purchase! Please know that since this is a new arrival the Mothers Day sale code (MTDY25) cannot be used on this purchase since it is a new arrival. It can be used on anything else in the boutique. I do hope that everyone will be able to enjoy the sale and thank you again for your purchases!


photo credit:


Now on to today’s inspiration…. during my lunch hour on Tuesday, I was looking at my Aerin Lauder book and saw a lot of beautiful table linens and dishes and I thought, “there has to be some affordable tableware out there. So I did a quick search and found a few things. I found this beautiful sheer chiffon table runner on Amazon! It has great reviews and is under $20! 


photo credit: Amazon


Next was this gorgeous set of 4 Portmeirion Botanical glasses. They are under $50 for all 4!



Third, are these shatterproof Godinger glasses! Even your kids could use these! They are stunning and only $21 for a set of 4! 


photo credit: Amazon


Fourth are these spring-inspired dessert plates. All four are under $40 and would be a great addition to anyone’s china collection! Oh and I found this set of six Blue Room Georgian plates for under $80! What a steal! 



Next is this adorable Garden soup and sandwich set! Great for an afternoon lunch or a snack by the fire with a good book. It is under $30 with 5% off right now with Amazon! 

And last on my list is this beautiful garden pitcher! Can’t you see it filled with flowers or lemonade with fresh lemons? So gorgeous….. I hope you all enjoyed these affordable china finds and have found some inspiration. Tomorrow I am going to the Indiana Decorator’s Show House and Gardens. I am going all alone and I can’t wait!!!! I am taking the afternoon off. I have been wanting to attend this for some time now so I am really excited. I will share photos if I can. Have a great Wednesday!







April Favorites ~ 2021


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I didn’t do too much. Just ran some errands, did a few house chores, did some website work, and of course, got things ready for my Mother’s Day Sale which begins today! The boutique’s first Mother’s Day sale will start today and end on May 7th. It will run for two weeks! Just use code MTDY25 for 25% off your entire order and that is for everything in the boutique except for the Beverly tote which will not be ready until Thursday (I hope)! 

Also, you should be able to pay with your credit card or debit without a Paypal account! Yay! I hope you all can purchase something that you have had your eye on for some time. Now on to my April Favorites.


First on my list is my Tory Burch tote and beautiful hand-painted scarf. I wrote about it here. I have gotten so many compliments on this bag! It is truly one of a kind. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The second was my Easter tablescape. I truly enjoyed Easter this year and was very happy with the meal I prepared and the company we shared this beautiful holiday with. 




Third is my new Day Designer for the second half of the year. As most of you know this is the only planner that I use to organize my personal life and I love it! I have been using the Day Designer since 2014 and would recommend this planner to anyone! It’s wonderful! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Fourth, was my delicious apple and spinach salad that I made for a family dinner this month. I am still thinking about it! It was so good and the Fuji apples were flawless. 



Fifth is this wonderful home tour from Susan Lucci! I have watched this video over and over on Youtube and wanted to share it!



Sixth are my beautiful new faux arrangements from HomeGoods. I wish I had a link for these but HomeGoods is just not offering online shopping now. Sorry!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Seventh is my recent promotion. I still cannot believe that I am a paralegal supervisor. It just baffles me! I had so many opposing thoughts and was just not sure if I would ever get it but I did and I am so excited about this new journey! I will share a few photos of my new office soon. There is a con to it. I don’t have any windows which is sad but the location is so much better than where I am and it is bigger! 


And last on my list is my Youtube collaboration with the beautiful Rosenda from the Little Pink Casa! I hope you all got to watch her beautiful video! I was so proud of my boutique’s dresses and for my beautiful friend’s hard work in that video. It was a wonderful collaboration and I hope to do another one for the fall with her!



I hope you all enjoyed my favorites for the month of April. Don’t forget to shop the boutique and enjoy the Mother’s Day Sale code. If you have any questions please comment below or use the Contact page to send an email. Have a wonderful Monday!



Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.


Tips for Adult Behavior


Hello Ladies!

Well, I am happy to say that we did not have snow today but it was still cold. Next week we are suppose to be back in the ’70s. I certainly hope so! I could not believe that I was looking at fat snow flakes on Wednesday! It was just insane. Insane and frustrating! This weekend I have a few errands to run and I hope you all follow the boutique on Instagram! We just got a new arrival and I hope to have it ready next week. We are having some issues with shipping so bear with me.  On to today’s post…

Earlier last week when I was preparing for my new position and going through some of my paperwork, I stumbled on this blog post from Habitually Chic in 2018 about adult behavior. I had completely forgotten that I printed this out and had it in a file with some notes.





List from John Perry Barrow


It is a wonderful list and a wonderful reminder. There are so many things going on and so many things in the news that we forget to be adults. I don’t want to ever lose that.


photo credit: Pinterest 

I would have to say that my favorite is number 5, “Don’t trouble yourself with matters you cannot change”. I keep repeating that to myself. I really need to let that absorb into my mind and really believe that. I want to live in trust. And that is trust that God is leading me. I hope you all enjoyed this list and come back on Monday for exciting news about my Mother’s Day sale starting on Monday for the boutique. I will have the largest discount code available to use on everything except for the new arrival. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!




The Hunt for Floral Danica


Oh my goodness you guys, I am furious right now! As I look out my home office window I am seeing SNOW! You read that correctly snow! I am so upset right now. My Canadian chokecherry tree is leaning over to the side. He looks so sad. Just this weekend I was out smelling his sweet floral scent and looking at his beautiful white and creamy blooms. The same for my lilac bushes. The purple buds are beginning to come out and now everything is covered in snow!

I feel like screaming! And in a few days, we are suppose to be back up to 60 degrees! I am so mad right now but let’s talk about something else I love and that is china. 


photo credit: Victoria Magazine


I saw this beautiful china pattern in the Flowers & Gardens Victoria Classica Magazine in July 2020. I love this design. It is called the Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica collection and it is extremely expensive! 

If you read some of the information about this china you will quickly learn that each piece is handpainted and each one is different! Now how fantastic is that! You ladies should know that I have already checked my local Facebook Marketplace section to see if anyone has a listing for any piece. I will be checking often and I hope to stumble on some plates. Fingers crossed!


photo credit: Victoria Magazine


I hope you all enjoyed this post and I hope that none of you have snow right now! This is dreadful! I will be covering my bushes tonight because I think we are due for one more freeze and hopefully that will be it. 

Let me know in the comments section below if you had snow these last few days or if there is a china print that you have been after for some time now. I would love to know what it is. Have a great Wednesday. 



Curious About Wisteria


It is the beginning of a new week and the starting week of training for my new position. I have truly been in awe all weekend. I still can not believe that I am a supervising paralegal in my office. It still shocks me. And now this week I begin training with my co-worker that I will be replacing. I can’t believe it…

This weekend has been rather quiet. I ran some errands on Saturday and processed some new orders for the boutique. Thank you to everyone who watched and subscribed to Rosenda’s channel. I hope that you all enjoyed the video and it was great to see my dresses being modeled on a wonderful person. The pinkcasa code for the discount will be good until Wednesday. I hope you all get a chance to use it. 

On Sunday, I pulled out some old and new Victoria magazines to find inspiration and stumbled upon an article about wisteria. I don’t know much about it. My very good friend Lyndsey grew some a few years ago and it looked gorgeous on her trellis up against her home. I am so afraid to grow certain things in Indiana. We seem to have unpredictable weather. 


photo credit: Stephanie Welbourne Steel (Victoria Magazine)

When I was reading the article it said that the burley vines can be trained to clamber up walls, pergolas, and other sturdy supports. Another tip that it gave was that once you cut the vines special care must be taken. Removing most of the foliage will allow for better water absorption. 


photo credit: Stephanie Welbourne Steele (Victoria Magazine)


What are your thoughts? Have any of you planted or have wisteria? I would LOVE to know if you do and how you are managing it. Please comment below and have a lovely Monday!




Florals, Promotion, & Boutique News!


Hello Friday,

Yesterday I received some wonderful news. I was promoted! For the last 13 years, I have been grooming myself to become a paralegal supervisor in my office and I am proud to say that the hard work finally paid off! I have been on Cloud 9 for the last several hours and I am really excited to get started in my new position. I am still with the same office just moving to a different hall and I will be managing my very own staff of legal assistants. Very exciting!!! 

In today’s post, I just wanted to share this beautiful video that I have watched over and over on Youtube. It is a video of Rachell Ashwell on the Home & Family Show on the Hallmark channel. 



I love this video and thought it would be a great way to start the weekend. A little flower inspiration is always good for the soul. My favorite arrangement is the baby’s breathe with the few roses. I think that is exceptionally beautiful! 

Also and this is BIG NEWS! My Youtube collaboration with Rosenda from the Little Pink Casa is up on her channel!!! I am so excited you guys! The video is below. I sure hope that you all enjoy it! Rosenda looks wonderful in the blue swiss dot dress and the rose and dot dress



If you are a follower of the Little Pink Casa you are more than welcome to use the coupon code. Please check out Rosenda’s channel and subscribe! She creates wonderful, feminine, and vintage homestyle videos. I have been following Rosenda for quite some time and love her videos!

All of the information is linked in Rosenda’s video. Do enjoy it and subscribe! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



Linen Inventory ~ For the Table


Oh, the weather has been fantastic here! I know we are suppose to get cold again but oh it has been so nice. It feels like spring is really here. My Canadian chokecherry tree is blooming and he is really pretty! I named him Murphy. I know it’s weird but I think it suits him. 

Okay, so we are finishing up our linen inventory discussion from Jane Scott Hodges book, Linens for Everyone Room and Occasion. Today is the tabletop inventory….


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

Now I will be the first to admit that my inventory for my tabletop is okay. I have a basket full of linen napkins and I never have enough that match. But for the most part, I have the majority of the inventory that Jane suggests:


  • 1 casual tablecloth
  • 1 formal tablecloth
  • 6 linen guest towels
  • 12 casual placemats and dinner napkins
  • 12 formal placemats and dinner napkins
  • 24 cocktail napkins 

Now the items that I do not possess are the cocktail napkins but we really don’t drink a lot so I will have to think about that. 



I am trying to get into the habit of inviting people over for dinner more. The pandemic last year and this year has made that really hard. Last Friday, I invited my in-laws over again I used all of my linens. It is always a wonderful feeling to use beautiful things that you have. 

This was my dinner above. I made roasted broccoli, roasted potatoes, ranch and bread coated chicken, and a spinach, green, and apple salad. It was all so delicious and I had everything done in 1 hour 15 minutes! 

How is your tabletop inventory? Do you use tablecloths and napkins? Let’s chat below! Have a great Wednesday!






Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.