Linen Inventory ~ For the Guests


Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend! I did, it was rainy the entire time but I ordered some more vintage Weiss earrings from Poshmark, got a new purple plant for my blue and white planter, planted some beautiful purple stock in my new swan planter, and did some dress shopping for the boutique.

Have any of you started any garden work in your yards yet? What are your special projects for the spring? I did get some rose bushes from Costco and planted those so we will see how they do.

On Friday I talked about the linen list that author Jane Scott Hodges mentioned in her book. Today I wanted to share her linen inventory list for the guest bedroom and bathroom. 


photo credit: Jane Scott Hodges 

Jane suggested having the following to provide your guest:

Guest Bedroom:

  • 2 sets of sheets (flat, fitted, and pillowcases)
  • 2 blanket covers (styled for summer and winter)
    2 sets of shams to match the blanket covers
  • 1 duvet cover
  • 1 throw quilt
  • 1 boudoir pillow or neck roll

I still have not found a neck roll that I like. I am still on the hunt!


photo credit: Julia Berolzheimer 

For the guest bathroom:

  • 4 linen guest towels
  • 4 bath sheets
  • 6 bath towels
  • 6 fingertip towels
  • 6 washcloths
  • 2 bath mats

I hope this list was helpful to you all. You can use this as just a starting point to begin your linen inventory. My dream is to have a bigger linen closet one day. I hate smashing everything into my small hallway closet. I don’t understand why linen closets are still so small. Do any of you have large linen closets? I really would love to turn my step-son’s bedroom into a decor room but we will see. 

Thanks for reading and have a great Monday!  






Linen Inventory~ Thoughts?


Good Morning Everyone,

The weekend awaits and again I don’t have much planned. My daughter has a hair appointment and I really want to visit a thrift store. I haven’t gone to one in a while and I have the “itch” to go and take a peek. I am in the office today and have a lot to do on my list so hopefully, everything will get done. I hope you all have had a chance to see my new arrivals at the boutique. I am really loving my new accessories and I am offering a first-time purchase coupon code. If you type in FTP10 in the coupon code box you will receive 10% off of your entire purchase!

I am also offering a 15% off code to those who have already made a purchase. If you would simply post a review on the boutique of your item I will email you the code. Okay, let’s get into today’s post. 

I am still reading Linens for Every Room and Occasion and yesterday I came across her linen inventory list. Now, this caught my attention because I have been thinking about this recently. I have been checking my linens and trying to decide if they need to be replaced. I did just purchase a new sheet and comforter set for our bed and it is so hard to get my daughter to commit to a new set. She doesn’t want anything floral…. so that limits me. 

However, I did want to share this list with you all and get your thoughts…

Master Bedroom:

  • 2 sets of sheets (flat, fitted and pillowcases)
  • 2 blanket covers (styled for summer and winter)
    2 sets of shams to match the blanket covers
  • 1 year-round blanket
  • 1 duvet cover
  • 1 throw quilt
  • 2 his and hers wedge pillows for reading (this sounds good)
    2 boudoir or neck roll shams (I really need one of these)


photo credit: Jane Scott Hodges (Paul Castello)


Now time for her Master Bathroom list:

  • 6 bath sheets
  • 12 bath towels
  • 12 hand towels
  • 12 fingertip towels
  • 12 washcloths
  • 2 bath mats

Okay, so I looked up fingertip towels and bath sheets. I found these fingertip towels on Amazon and these monogram ones as well. Do any of you own these? We do own a few bath sheets. We love them! They cover your whole body not just half.  Let me know in the comments section below if you already own most of these items. I am really curious. Next week I will be sharing her list for the guest bathroom, guest bedroom, and tabletop. Until then have a wonderful weekend!



fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.


To Fit or Not to Fit


Hello All,

The weather, oh the weather has been wonderful. Our trees have begun to bloom. It’s like it happened overnight. I love it so. I hope you are able to enjoy your weather wherever you are. It is Wednesday and our daughter is back in school four days a week. I can not tell you how happy I am. She needs to be in school and I need a break from Algebra. We had a 3-hour Zoom meeting during quarantine about Algebra. I don’t want to do that ever again! 

I received the most wonderful email Monday evening. In March I wrote a blog post called, “Beauty from Mom”, and in that post, I talked about an article that I found in Victoria magazine. Well, I don’t know how but the author found my blog post and sent me the following email…


Message: Dear Mrs. Shockley,

I just stumbled across your blog post “Beauty from Mom,” and I wanted to say I am fairly certain your daughter absolutely will appreciate all the elegance you bring into her life. Growing up, I definitely rolled my eyes at the amount of time my mom spent sorting through boring old linens in our local antique stores. I definitely did not understand why we had multiple storage boxes of fake flowers for every season. But here I am, years later, not only “getting it” but celebrating it in the frilliest magazine I can think of.

Thank you for giving your girl that gift. And thank you so much for sharing your story. It was such a thrill for me to discover your blog. I love writing because of how it connects us to people we’ll never meet. Usually, I just have to hope the connection is made. It’s always such a joy to hear that it worked for sure.


photo credit: Pinterest (Reily Vintage Home Photography)


Isn’t that WONDERFUL? I immediately wrote back and told her thank you for reaching out and encouraging me. I really needed to hear that.  Now on to today’s post. 

I have recently been ordering books from my Amazon list. The most recent order was Linens for Every Room and Occasion by Jane Scott Hodges. This book has been on my “want” list for over 4 years and I am so glad that I ordered it. It is huge! 

I was skimming through it and came across a list of sheets and pillowcase basics. The paragraph that pulled me in was the fitted sheet one. How many of you like fitted sheets? I use a fitted sheet but have been wanting to try a flat sheet. I have used flat sheets in the past but my husband normally complains. 


photo credit:


What are your thoughts? Are flat sheets better than fitted sheets? Jane mentioned that “some don’t like fitted sheets due to the elastic, which can lose its tautness over time and often rides up if the sheet isn’t deep enough”. 

I am experiencing that now with my fitted sheets. Please share what you think in the comments section below. I am really curious. 


Have a great Wednesday and thanks for reading!



Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.

Easter Evening at Home



I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! I did! The weather was superb and I did some shopping for the home. On Saturday I went to the grocery to get the rest of my items for Easter, took my car to the car wash, and then headed to HomeGoods. I found some wonderful items there for my yard!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


This is a snapshot of my cart! I had some faux flowers, a basket for organizing, a swan for my yard (whom I have named Charlotte), and a gorgeous watering can! I love this watering can. I can’t wait to use it for my porch flowers!



This is a snapshot from my video. I recorded a small video while I was in the store. Save me from HomeGoods!


On Sunday we spent the day at home watching service online and preparing for my in-laws to come by for an early Easter dinner. I decided on meatloaf this year because I wanted something different. Most people have ham (I think) but I wanted something a little more savory so I made my favorite meatloaf recipe from Martha Stewart. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


This was so delicious! I have used this recipe twice and both times my meatloaf was sensational! It has carrots, onions, parsley, and celery. I also made roasted greens and tossed them with butter. 



This was the table setting. I purchased purple stock and baby’s breathe from the grocery store. I also loved using my Johann Haviland china that I purchased from Facebook Marketplace. It looked beautiful! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


My mother-in-law made the mashed potatoes. I love her mashed potatoes. They taste so good! Then I put some southern style buttery biscuits in the oven from the Schwann man. He still delivers here in Indiana and I love their biscuits. 






photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


For dessert, my mother-in-law brought a vanilla whip cream cake with fresh berries in sugary syrup. SOOOOO good!




Oh mercy, it was delicious!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The cake was so moist, the cream was delicious, and the berries… oh my! It was superb! All in all, it was a wonderful dinner and a great time with my in-laws. Oh and we also tried a new wine. It was called Oliver Lemon Moscato Wine. Oh, I think I just found my new wine for the summer! It was so refreshing and just sweet enough. It was divine!

It was a wonderful weekend. The weather was great, the food, shopping, and morning worship remembering why we celebrate Easter and why we serve a wonderful God! Have a great Monday!

~ Oh and just in case you are not on Instagram I am having a giveaway that will end today. I will be picking a winner tomorrow. I am giving away my garden tassel pouch to a lucky follower. If you are interested in entering please comment below and I will put your name in. This is for US residents only. Good luck!

AND… my new rose shell purse scarf/scrunchie is ready for purchase! I hope you enjoy it! 




Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.


The Walmart Grandmillennial Canvas


Well Hello April, and hello 20-degree weather!

Yikes, our frigid weather has returned! It is so cold but I am still wearing my lavender trench coat and carrying my blue Tory Burch tote. I love the colors together. So this weekend is Easter and I am planning a simple meal with my husband, daughter, in-laws, and my brother-in-law. I am so excited to have a small dinner with family and use my new FBMP china that I found earlier this month! I will be setting the table of course and heading to the grocery store this weekend to get ingredients and fresh flowers. So on the menu for us is meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, southern-style biscuits, and fruit tarts with ice cream. 

I wanted to keep it simple and prepare a family favorite. I will take photos if I remember to. This is a celebration of our Lord and Savior’s ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross. I am always grateful to him and my faith. Always. 

Well ladies I wanted to share a recent purchase from Walmart. I still can’t believe I got this from Walmart. I actually saw this canvas on another blogger’s account and had to take a look at it. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


This is the toile fabrics canvas and the frame comes with it! I purchased the 16×20 size. It is perfect for any room in your home. It actually does not look cheap! It looks like it came from an antique store. It’s a wonderful canvas, especially for the price. 



I hung it in our bedroom. It looks wonderful with the paint color that we have on the walls in there. You know this might also be a great Mother’s Day gift. Mother’s Day is next month. It’s time to start planning ahead!

I hope everyone enjoyed this great Walmart find. Please enjoy your Easter with family and celebrate the risen King! Happy Resurrection Day! 




Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.



My Tory Burch Visit


Good Morning,

I can’t believe March is over. Wow… and Easter is this weekend! I would love to know how some of you are planning to spend your holiday or Resurrection Sunday! Looking around my neighborhood I am still a little sad. Our trees and blooms are running a bit behind. Everything is still very bare. But I guess there is no need to rush things right?

I hope you all got to watch my Tory Burch Unboxing on YouTube. I had fun recording that video and have enjoyed carrying my new tote everywhere. Now I am going to share some photos from the store. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Walking into the store you see this beautiful room that’s set up just like one of her rooms in her home. I forgot to take pictures of the beginning part of the store. I like to be able to enjoy places without always having my phone out. 



These are some of the beautiful bags in the store. I love the crossbodies but they are just a little too small for me. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Walking further into the store you come to the beautiful teal/green “Tory” couch. I love this thing and I would love to find a duplicate! Even the fringe at the bottom makes me smile. Do you see the blue and white lamps and the blue and white ginger jar? Grandmillienial style!!! 



Loving the gold accents and accessories. I just think that gold could go with anything. 



photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The customer service at our location was impeccable! They were incredibly nice and knowledgeable. 




photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


And of course, if you watched my video or follow me on Instagram you would have already seen this. I purchased the Ella tote in blue while it was on sale and the painted silk neckerchief which is now sold out online. I have gotten so many compliments and stares at my bag. It’s different and it’s chic. The total amount that I spent for both items while on sale was $378 after tax! I thought that was an incredible deal for the quality, customer service, and design. 

I look forward to enjoying this tote all summer and my scarf. If you use the Poshmark app. and want a Tory Burch purse at a discounted price you may want to check that out. It has tons of wonderful bags for cheap and you can offer a smaller price to the seller. I hope you enjoyed this post and my video! 




Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.





March Favorites ~ 2021


Good Morning Everyone,

This is going to be a busy week for me. I actually have to be in the office every day this week so we will see how things go. If you follow me on Instagram then you would have seen that I visited the Tory Burch store here in my city this weekend. The staff was absolutely outstanding and the store was GORGEOUS! I will be sharing photos from my visit this week. 

Now onto my March Favorites. There are quite a few this month so bear with me….


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


First on my list are my quilted travel totes from Amazon. I have this in black and mauve and adore both of them! I was really shocked at the quality of these totes especially since they are only $35! It’s a great purchase. I don’t regret either one!



Second, on the list is my beside carafe from H&M. I have been wanting one of these for some time now and to find one for under $20 was wonderful! The quality of this carafe was surprisingly good! I can’t believe how heavy it is for $18! I think it is definitely worth the purchase. 



photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Third on my list are my new casserole pans from Amazon! What a great find these were. I saw them on a fellow blogger’s LIKEtoKNOWit account and purchased them. I have used them already for roasting veggies. They are very easy to clean and easy on the eyes. Plus the price will amaze you!



Fourth on my list is my beautiful chinoiserie-inspired rug from Target. It is now sold out!! I hope they re-stock it. It is a gorgeous decor item. I smile every time I walk into my office/boutique. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley (I wrote about it here)


Fifth on my list are the beautiful flower bouquets that I pick up every week at Kroger. I can not start my week without a bouquet or two. If you don’t want to spend a whole lot on flowers then try the astromelias. They are beautiful when they are open, cheap, and take a while to die. I hope you can find some. 



Sixth on this list is my Wedgewood piece and venetian mirror that I picked up at the antique store. I paid about $65 for both. They are both so beautiful! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 




Seventh is my boutique launch. My clothing boutique launched officially on March 9th and I have been so over the moon with it. There are so many things that I want from my vendors but I am trying to take it slow. I already looking into other pieces for summer and I already have a few autumn dresses that I want to sell. I hope I can continue with this journey. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Eighth on my list is my stunning and incredibly chic pearl bracelet from JCrew! Oh my goodness, it has been years since I have purchased a pearl bracelet. Don’t get me wrong I have been looking but did not find one until recently. This bracelet is so easy to put on and adjust and it’s gorgeous! I think it is still on sale if you are interested. 



Ninth on my list is the new jasmine scent from Philosophy. Now in the past when I would smell a jasmine scent in a perfume I would never like it. This I LOVE! It is perfect. It is the perfect scent for spring and summer. I even spray it on at night when I am climbing in bed. You should definitely go and try to give it a whiff. 



photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Tenth on my list are my stunning spotted bow slingbacks from Ann Taylor! These have been getting some serious daily wear! I mean aren’t they chic? The kitten heel is perfect, the bow is wow, and they are so comfy to get around in. I was so happy that they re-stocked them! Get them while you can! 




Eleventh, (I can’t believe I am still going), on my list are my Kate Spade bridal sparkle pumps. Now I purchased mine from Von Maur and they are still on sale. I don’t care if they are bridal pumps. I think they are just stunning and had to get them. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Twelfth, on the list is my new bedding. I found new a bedding set at HomeGoods and of course, I can’t find the link for it. I am loving the sage green. I just wanted something different. Nothing wrong with the white but I wanted something a little richer. It’s incredibly soft and incredibly beautiful! The floral pillow covers are from H&M. 



And last on my list is my vintage nightgown from Amazon! I can hear the hallelujah chorus! I love this gown! I know it may not be for everyone but it sure is for me and I have the matching housecoat! If you are looking for a light but still covered nightgown then this may be for you. I know it’s a little expensive but having beautiful nightwear is so worth it! It does come in plus sizes! It goes all the way up to a 3x!!! I also love my house slippers. I ordered them in the wine and navy as well. 



photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I hope you all enjoyed my enormous favorites list for this month. I have more things but this list is already long. I may incorporate some of those favorites into my April list. I hope you all have a great Monday and take care!