Chinoiserie Inspired Rug



Hello Everyone,

With all of the excitement of the boutique, I completely forgot about sharing my beautiful new chinoiserie-inspired rug from Target and that this month is the 7 year anniversary of the blog! I can’t believe it has been 7 years already!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I actually found this on a fellow blogger’s LIKEtoKNOWit. account. I could not help myself. I had to order it. Now it does say outdoor but I don’t mind. It kind of reminds me of a sisal rug. 



The colors and details are so beautiful! The print is large and the colors are vibrant. It is such a gorgeous decor item.



photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I placed it in my office/boutique. I love the way it looks and the color it provides for the room. I purchased the 5×7 size. It is perfect for any room in the house. If you order it and place your outside that is perfectly okay. I just think it’s too pretty to place outside in the elements. Especially here in Indy.

I hope this post provided some beautiful inspiration for you today. As always thanks for reading! 



Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.



The AHFE Boutique Official Launch!!!



Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The weather here was fantastic! We had lots of sunshine and the temperature was great for Indiana. We took our daughter bowling this weekend with her bestie. I actually bowled you guys! Yes, I did and in a dress! My dress was past my knees so I was still comfy doing this activity. I actually didn’t do too bad. My score was about 92 this first time and about 84 for the second time. I haven’t bowled in over 10 years. It was fun but I was sore! Then on Sunday, I ran a few errands. I went to Ulta to check out the new Philosophy jasmine scent and it was so good! Oh my gosh, I sprayed some on my wrist walked about the store, let it dry then smelled it. I then immediately walked up front to pay for it. So good…. 

So tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow is the first day of my boutique. I can’t believe it! Honestly, and I think I may have shared this, I have been wanting to do this for some time now but really didn’t think that I had the courage to. At the end of last year, I had a conversation with myself. We all have those from time to time and I told my heart, “listen we need to at least try this”. If it fails then so be it but at least we can say that we pursued a dream”. 

Seriously you guys I have notebooks from as early as 2002 filled with my business ideas. Now back then Facebook and Instagram didn’t even exist and forget about setting up a website. Now that technology has improved it had given all of us a small platform to try a dream.  So I am going to try this. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I really hope that everyone enjoys the clothes from the boutique. I do realize that I will not be able to make everyone happy but I will do my very best to ensure that you are pleased with your purchase! As of right now, I cannot do international shipping. The costs would be too much. I have not let that go. I am still working on getting info from my post office about it so I am hoping to offer it in the near future. All purchases will be sent by the USPS and will have a tracking number. 



If you have any questions you may use my Contact page to send a note. I promise to respond as soon as I can. Again, thank you all in advance for your purchase! I am really looking forward to this journey. Yay!






New Inspiration ~ Vintage Victoria Books


And it’s Friday! Good Morning Everyone,

So I am actually headed into the office this morning. I am scheduled for in-office work today and Monday so these next few days will go by fast. Tomorrow we are taking our daughter and her bestie out for bowling a little small birthday celebration! I hope they enjoy it. I am also hoping to film a Youtube video this week. Fingers crossed I can get that done. 

Okay lets into today’s post! Did any of you watch Jennifer’s recent video? I will place it below if you have not. 


This was a really fun video! I loved watching it but in the first part of the video, I was spying her books under her nightstand. Did any of you do that? I paused it a few times to try to get the titles. Most of them were vintage books published by Victoria magazine. 

I have never heard of any of these titles. The first book was this Colefax and Fowler: The Best in English Interior Decoration. Then the second title I got was Victoria: At Home with White: Celebrating the Intimate Home. 



photo credit: Pinterest 


This then lead me down a rabbit hole of vintage Victoria book inspiration! I was so excited to find more books! I am seriously considering ordering The Business of Bliss: How to Profit from Doing What You Love.  I think this would be a wonderful read. I love reading the entrepreneurship articles whenever they publish them in the magazine. I guess this book was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and was published in the early 2000’s. 

Other books that I have moved to my books list on Amazon are: The Pleasures of Staying in Touch, Victoria: Bedrooms: Private Worlds & Places to Dream, Victoria Romantic Touches: Charming Handmade Projects for Every Room, and last and of course I must include a tea book of some sort the Essential Tea Companion


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I love finding any inspiration wherever I can. I hope this list may inspire you to order one or two. Also, let me know in the comments section below if you own any of these. I would love to know your thoughts.

Now time for some boutique news. Some of you have asked about the boutique. Right now technically it is ready but I am being so paranoid about things. So I think I just may pull the trigger and say that March 9th is the launch date and you may place an order then if you wish! I did some testing yesterday and everything worked great. I am sure that there will be issues along the way because I am learning but I am excited and hope that you guys will enjoy the items.  

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 




Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.


Beauty from Mom


Good Afternoon Everyone,

The weather here in Indy is going to be fantastic this week! It’s still cold but it will be sunny and over 40 this week! Yay! Yesterday I decided to go to the At Home store and look around. I wanted to replace my lampshades. I felt like the ones in the family room needed a refresh. I tried cleaning them over and over and now they have stains so I just purchased some new ones. I love the way they look! I also found some new faux flowers and some new bedsheets. It was a nice shopping trip. 

So I recently picked up the newest issue of Victoria magazine (March/April) and I flipped through it quickly to see what treasures they had this month. I came across an article at the back of the book called, “A Lesson in Beauty” by Abigail Wurdeman”. In this article, this woman talked about her mother. The first sentence captured my heart immediately. It said, “My mother creates beauty.” 


photo credit: Samantha Stortecky 


She goes on to say, “I didn’t recognize this talent when I was a child, despite how frequently other grown-ups mentioned it. “Your mom has a gift for making everything lovely, “her friends would tell me.” The world my mom designed was the only world I’d ever known. I didn’t see what was so special about it until I was an adult myself, fumbling to make a home out of a wood-paneled studio apartment and mismatched dollar store silverware”. 

These two paragraphs stopped me in my tracks. I was immediately thrusted into my childhood. I went to our house when I was in middle school. We moved constantly so I could never really call any home my childhood home. But for some reason, my mind went back to this home. I remembered my mother’s colorful furniture, glass dining room table that was set for dinner but we never got to sit there, her items that we could never touch, street incense (never candles), and there was never an arrangement in the house. I don’t remember my home being feminine. There was never any classical music playing just rap. There was never any decor shows on the television, just whatever junk. And then that’s when I realized, how and where did I come from?  


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

Even looking at the photo above, it baffles me. My mother was nothing like what I project. Nothing…. so I still wonder where in the world did I get this inspiration from? I believe that it has always resided in my heart. So now with my daughter (who turned 16 today, yikes) I wonder how she sees me. I hope so much that she will see me the same way this woman in the story eventually saw her mother. She said, she knew (her mother) how to design a refugee, and she knew how to share it with people like me who struggled to create beauty for themselves.” 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Right now my 16-year is annoyed with all of my arrangements, candles, pink, and pearls. But when her friends see me they stop me and ask questions and this and that and it drives my daughter crazy. She hates the attention and I get it. But I told her, “Lauren I was like those girls once”. Whenever I saw a mom who had a beautiful home and dressed well I admired it greatly because I was never privy to that. She still rolls her eyes but I just believe that in the future the Lord will open them and she will see how I created beauty


Have a great Wednesday! 



30~Days of Cleaning

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I had a pretty good weekend. Things really didn’t work out for my photoshoot for the boutique. The original model that I wanted could not make it due to family reasons. So then I asked my sister in law who comes down every weekend to see my in-laws and she initially agreed but could not due to her husband’s coaching schedule. No fun but while I was waiting I got an email from Fed-Ex saying that my order was arriving today and it turns out that it was my mannequin. Perfecting timing!

So I moved right along using my mannequin for the boutique photos and I think they turned out great! I keep telling myself, you are just starting out. “Don’t despise the days of small beginnings”. Thank you Lord. I told my daughter that I need to name my mannequin. She suggested the name “Patricia”. I told her that I love it! Patricia it is. It turns out that was my grandmother’s name. Interesting…. Okay let’s get into today’s post. 

Have any of you seen the daily posts on the Better Homes & Garden Instagram account about 30- days of cleaning? I have been following them and saw the daily posts about a week ago. Each time I saw one it made me want to go and check whatever area it was assigning for the day.


photo credit: Lilyoake 


The article suggests incorporating small daily tasks into your routine. I started doing this last year. I just got tired of cleaning my house on the weekends. So I decided to add one household chore to my day each day and my house has stayed cleaned! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The article breaks down the areas of your home giving you daily tasks and suggestions. I really like the list and they offer it in pdf form. 


photo credit: Pinterest 

I think this week they are about to start bathrooms. I also saw on the list that during this week they included cleaning the washing machine. I also make sure that I clean my laundry room at least twice a month. I always go in and wipe down the machines, dust shelves, and mop the floor. It helps keep things in order. 

I hope you found this list helpful and I hope that it inspires you to include one chore a day in your routine. Enjoy your Monday!






February Favorites ~ 2021



It’s the end of February already! Well Good Morning Everyone!


I am sharing my favorites for February and honestly, I have so many but before I give you my list I wanted to share that this Sunday will be our 17th year wedding anniversary! Honestly, it shocks me every year that we are still married. And please hear my heart I am not saying that my marriage is horrible. I am just saying wow…. we are making it. Thank you Lord! 

Also, our daughter will be turning 16 (I can’t believe it) and my step-son will be turning 21! Sheesh! 

Well let’s get into my favorite things for February….


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I can not get enough of my porcelain tissue holder. I wrote about this earlier this month. It is such a beautiful piece. I did find one similar if you are interested. 


A second favorite are my floral shears from Amazon. These have been amazing! I love pulling them out and using them every week. I feel like I am a florist in a flower shop cutting my beautiful flowers with these sharp floral shears. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The third favorite has been the Tide Studios Delicate wash. This detergent smells so good and I have noticed that my delicates are a bit softer. I have been using it for the entire month and I am enjoying it so far! I use it to wash my clothes every week. 




Fifth has been my gorgeous cell phone case from Jamie Beck. These phone cases are one of a kind. They feature the photography of Jamie Beck herself. She has an impressive and beautiful Instagram account. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

The sixth were my beautiful peonies! You guys should have seen my face when I walked into the floral side of the grocery store and spotted these! I shrieked. I shrieked so loud that a man nearby thought I was doing it because of him. I calmly told him, umm no. I am shrieking at the flowers. Not you, move along. 



Seventh are my floral storage boxes from the Christmas Tree Shop. Now I can’t seem to find these on the website and I don’t think that you can order online. If you have a store nearby go and take a look. They have a lot of home decor for really cheap prices! These boxes were only $6.99 each. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The eighth has been my cell phone stand for my desk. I LOVE this thing! Oh my goodness, this has been such a game-changer for me. I love having my phone easily accessible and being able to have the changer attached is just awesome! I purchased two! I had to have one for my regular job office and home office. It comes in four different colors. This was so worth $13! 





photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


And last on my list has been my online boutique. I can’t tell you guys how much this new adventure means to me. I love walking into my office in the mornings and seeing this in the corner. Oh it really does just light up my heart! So happy with this. I just hope that the clothes are well received. We are putting the final touches on everything. I am working with my web designer this week to get this set up on the website. I will let you guys know soon when it is ready. 

I hope you all enjoyed my favorites for this month! Thanks for reading!  



Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.









TallWood Country House~ Home Tour


Good Afternoon and Happy Monday,

I had a pretty good weekend. It was still cold but hey we went from 7 degrees to 30! Heatwave! I stopped by Kohls this weekend and just took a look around. I saw these floral scarves, these makeup bags, and I purchased the bamboo leaves candle by Harry Slatkin. This scent is my favorite! It smells so good!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


It’s Monday and I am feeling a little home inspiration. I found an Instagram account called Tallwood Country House and I just fell in love with her decor! 


photo credit Tallwood Country House 


I shared this photo on my stories last week. I think the wallpaper is original to the house. I think a few of us might have seen the little chicks swimming in the sink this past summer. If you did that was her video. So cute!


You have to go to Instagram to watch these videos. They were heaven sent during quarantine. 


photo credit: Tallwood Country Home 


I can not get enough of this painting. It depicts the famous Villa d’Este in Tovoli, Italy. Wonderful isn’t it?  Below is a wonderful Youtube video from Alison Kenworthy’s channel Homeworthy.  In this video, Jennifer Bohannon talks in detail about her home and her precious chicks. 



I hope you enjoy the video. Have a wonderful day! Oh and if you pick up the March/ April issue of Victoria Magazine you will find another interview and spread there! Enjoy!


photo credit: Tallwood Country Home