A New Decor Idea ~ Throw Pillow Covers


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope everyone had a restful weekend. We finally had snow here in Indy! I have been looking forward to it. It has been quite warm here so the snow is not sticking but it sure was nice to see this weekend. 

Has anyone else realized that next week is the last week of January…. already. I was talking to my husband and I saw that on the calendar. It’s just crazy. I really haven’t made any New Year resolutions. Well the main thing for me is to keep to my weight loss goals. I am really hoping to be down another 10 lbs. before June! I will keep you posted. 

In today’s post, I wanted to talk about throw pillow covers. Now I have never really been a fan of these. I have always been frustrated when I saw a pillow online and wanted to order it but did not because it was a pillow cover. 

Well since I have been purging items I realized that over the last few years I have gotten rid of so many pillows! If I would have thought that through I would have kept those pillows just changed the pillow covers. My recent pillow cover purchase from H&M really turned my perspective around.  When I received those pillow covers I thought wow I could really change the look of my pillows, save space, and money. It was like a whole new world open up to me and so now I have been more open to buying pillow covers. 



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I recently ordered these toile inspired pillow covers from Amazon. I was not sure how they were going to look in person but I must say that I am pleasantly surprised! The size is perfect and the print is incredibly chic! 




The size is 20×20 and they were only $18 per cover! Great right? 



The pillow inserts that I used were from other pillows that I had in the house. I removed those covers and put the toile ones on. It was perfect. I have now pulled one of my baskets and will use that to put all of my pillow covers in. I am so glad that I have considered doing this. It makes so much sense. 


Let me know in the comments section below if you use pillow covers. I would love to hear who often you change them and what are your favorites!


Thanks for reading!



fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.





Elegant & Custom Stationary Cards


Good Morning Everyone,

Gosh, it’s Friday again. I am looking forward to a 3-day weekend. I am trying to plan accordingly. I am finally finding my way around my apps and website. I finally figured out how to get access to all of my internet favorites. It has been hard but now I can add great items to my Favorites page.  Keep an eye on that page. I will be updating it every week!

With all of the commotion going on with my website and the holidays I completely forgot to share these custom stationary cards that I ordered on Etsy. 


My custom cards & photo 


These custom cards are from an Etsy shop called “A Thing Created“.  Aren’t they fabulous? She has so many options it’s crazy. I will be going back to order more. The owner of this Etsy shop was actually featured in Victoria Magazine this month.  I love her work and made sure that I gave her a 5-star rating! 



photo credit: AThingCreated 


This is the second set of custom cards that I am thinking about ordering. I think that they would be wonderful to have for the spring and summer.  I am also considering ordering the set below too. 



photo credit: Ivana Illustrations 




Now these are not from the same Etsy shop but they sure are chic! Let me know in the comments section below what your favorite custom stationary cards are. It sure does feel great writing a note on one of these and sending it to a very dear friend. Have a great weekend!



fyi: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.



Simplify Your Life


Good Afternoon Everyone,

It’s back to the daily grind for me and my family. Our daughter has returned to school part-time so we will see how it goes. My step-son is suppose to return to college this week. Fingers crossed he does. This has been a long, long Thanksgiving vacation and I want my couch and fridge back! Speaking of all of the things that go on in our lives I wanted to share this book that I purchased back in 2008. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


It is called 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer.  I was looking at my bookshelf and my eyes just landed on it and I thought, wow this might help someone. We are all facing challenges this year already. I know for us we are losing lots of restaurants in our downtown location. It has been really sad to watch it all fall apart. But I am trying to trust that God has a plan. 



This book is full of short chapters that provide great impact. I do have my favorite chapters and wanted to share them. The third chapter is called, “Keeping God First”. It starts off with a wonderful quote, “Man’s life is of God, not of his goods, however abundant they may be”. ~ Henry Alford.

Joyce says, ” I believe it is God’s will for his people to be prosperous in every area of their lives, including finances, and material goods. Psalm 35:27 says that God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His people. I find no scripture saying He is pleased when his people do not have their needs met.”

I try to keep this in mind when things are tight or when I believe something ought to be my way and it isn’t. Another favorite chapter of mine is “Don’t Make Mountains out of Molehills”. Boy, can I make things worse in my mind. I am trying to learn to keep things in perspective. 



There is also a chapter on “Minding Your Own Business, Refuse to Live in Fear, and Don’t Fret over Evildoers”. I need a refreshing course on this! I feel like evil is running wild! But the quote in this chapter helped me to but this back in order, it said, “I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn’t need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about?” ~ Henry Ford 

I hope you have found some peace and inspiration in this post. I am just as confused and lost about what’s happening in our world today. But I just keep praying that God will lead us in the right direction. I hope you have a great Wednesday!


photo credit: Nina from Pinterest 


fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.


My New Bar Cart


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend. My weekend was pretty quiet. I did stop by HomeGoods on Saturday. I was on the hunt for a tall mirror. I desperately needed one for looking at my wardrobe in the mornings and for wardrobe selfies. I want to be able to take more photos of my daily outfits. I did find one. I am not in love with it but it will get the job done for now. 

I did find some wonderful faux flower arrangements, a beautiful white peony wreath, and some beautiful new gold picture frames. Also, I ordered some dresses from Amazon. I will share those if they fit well. 

Today I wanted to share my most recent purchase. I have been wanting a bar cart for a while now but I was waiting until Christmas ended to see what space I do have. I ordered this one from Home Depot. I love the rose gold color and tempered black glass shelves. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


Unfortunately, it is sold out but I did find this one, this one, and this one. 



I love having my Victoria tea set on it. It gives it such an elegant look. Styling a bar cart can be rather difficult. I jumped on Pinterest to get some ideas. Most of them had liquor on them and I don’t plan on using my cart for that. I think you can place anything your heart desires. Books are good, candles, your favorite antique crystals, and don’t forget fresh flowers. 



I loved having my fresh tulips on it. It was a reminder of the beautiful spring weather that will be arriving. Although, I am not trying to rush anything. I want to enjoy the winter as well. 



My cart did arrive before Christmas so I was able to use it for our Christmas Eve dinner. I placed extra dishes on it and away from the table and counters so people could grab what they needed and not be in the way. It worked out well! My husband was pleased with how I used it too. Let me know in the comments section below if you own a bar cart and if so how do you use it. 


Thanks for reading!


fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.

Grace Rose Farms ~ Rose Water Spray

Good Morning Everyone,

What a week it has been. So much going on in the news and in my city. I am looking forward to a calm weekend.


I recently shared on my Youtube channel that I ordered a bottle of the Garden of Grace Rosewater spray. Let me say that the packaging alone was worth the purchase!


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 



As I mentioned on my channel I believe this company wants the opening of the package to be an experience as well.




For those of us who love pink and flowers, this scent, and packaging are the epitome of femininity. It is everything you want in elegance.



I admire the time and dedication that they put into the scent and the packaging. You can tell that everything was thought through and well-executed!



I hope you all can experience this wonderful product. The scent is very light and smells just like their roses when it drys. Keep an eye out for future discounts and opportunities to order! I know I now want the perfume and candle. We will see! Thanks for reading!


This post is not sponsored. 



Top Posts of 2020


Good Morning Everyone,

First and foremost I want to apologize for the bad formatting in my posts. When Doug (my web designer) transferred everything over it changed the settings and photos of every post. I thought about going in and correcting them but that would be a bit much for me. So for that, I am sorry for how some of the old posts may look. I hope you still enjoy them. 


Okay, let’s get into the most read posts for 2020!

all photo credits Mrs. Shockley 


For the month of January the most read posts were:





















I still can’t believe that the last post on my old website was visited the most. I think everyone was a little sad just like me. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this recap of 2020. I know most of us want to forget 2020 but it has been full of lessons for me and for most of them I am grateful. Have a great day! Oh and comment below what your favorite post was for 2020! 



December Favorites ~ 2020

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Well Hello Everyone and welcome to my new website!

This has been a long journey and I want to thank you all for continuing to read and shop the website. My website designer Doug did a great job working on this for me. First, he moved almost 900 blog posts over to my new website and I know I could have not done that without him.


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley




I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We spent time with family. My husband and I kept it very simple. I know that everyone enjoyed the meal. We didn’t have leftovers to eat for ourselves! I was perfectly okay with that but my husband was not a happy camper. He loves his leftover turkey and dressing but it’s okay. I got two wonderful gifts this year that I will be sharing here on the blog soon. 


Okay, let’s get into my favorites for December. 


I may have mentioned this already but we had a wonderful evening at the Winterlights at Newfields. It was such a beautiful place. The weather was just right. We went before it got dreadfully cold. We walked around looked at the lights, had some hot apple cider, and cookies. The hot apple cider was delicious and the walk was nice. We hope to do it again next year! 




Second, on my list is my Kate Spade tote in the color peony.  I love this tote so much you guys! It is so classic and it is the perfect pink! I get compliments constantly with this tote. It is still on sale if you are interested. Keep an eye on it. The price may drop more. 






Third has been the greenery that I purchased from Joann Fabrics. My greenery is sold out but I found this and this.  It is so festive and lush. 









Fourth is my gorgeous Santa that I found at the At Home store I love his pink fabric and details. He has pearls, rose gold wrapping paper, faux fur, and jewelry. He has everything a feminine woman would want in a Santa. I have enjoyed having him!



Fifth are my sachet pillows from Pottery Barn. They have a light garden rose scent and are the perfect small luxury for anyone to have. I have enjoyed having these in my drawers. I pulled out one of the nightgowns recently and could smell the roses all over it. The scent was heavenly while lying in bed. 




Sixth was a surprise purchase. I never thought in a million years that I would love a purse clutch but I do love this one. I ordered this beautiful pearl clutch from Ann Taylor and I was pleasantly surprised! It looks wonderful and is super elegant! I am so glad that I ordered it!




Seventh is this fabulous video from Nicolas Fairford.  He has impeccable taste! 



And finally for my eighth favorite is my new website! I hope you guys enjoy the new website. It is going to take some adjustment time for me. The admin dashboard looks horrible intimidating! So PLEASE be patient with me as I am learning everything I can.

I hope you all enjoyed my favorites for this month. Please take a look around the new website. I also have a categories section and don’t forget about the “shop” tab. Those tabs will be updated weekly with my online favorites. You can now look up blog posts new and old according to section! I think this feature was great to add! Please let me know in the comments section below what your thoughts are. 


Have a great Monday and see you all on Wednesday for my top posts of 2020! 



fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.