Vintage Earring Slips

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope all is well. These last few weeks have been so interesting. I never thought in a million years that I would be working from home. I am enjoying my lilac growing in and watching my peonies get large. I hope I have great blooms this year. 

The beauty is needed….. now on to a great find. 
I found these handy clip slips on Etsy! These are great if you have a lot of vintage earrings that you cannot wear due to discomfort. 
They have these little clear pockets that you slip your clip into. 

They made my vintage earrings so comfortable now! I can wear them all day without getting a headache! I told the shop owner that these were lifesavers!

I do love them and if you have vintage clip earrings that are causing you pain I would suggest you order of pair of these. They are very affordable and easy to apply to your earrings. 

I hope this find saves someone’s ears and maybe those beautiful vintage earrings that you were going to get rid of! Now you can keep them. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

The Affordable Bedroom Bench

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was quiet. I watched a lot of older Hallmark movies and sat outside on the porch a lot. It was nice. I am hoping that my orders will begin to arrive today. I got one yesterday. This beautiful flannel throw from Amazon. I ordered it in pink and white. So far I like it!

Okay, let’s get onto the beautiful bedroom bench that I ordered from Walmart.

I could not believe that it looked this beautiful. I was really surprised. Even my husband was astonished. He didn’t know that it came from Walmart until I told him.
There is a lot of cushion in it. It does not feel flimsy or cheap. The legs were easy to put on. You just screw them on. 

It comes in two different colors. This color (natural) will go with anything and looks very classic.

I don’t think you will be disappointed by ordering this bench. It has taken me years to find one that I like. I have purchased about two of them and both were too short, not the right color, not stable enough. I sit on this bench and watch t.v. 

It is truly gorgeous! I am so glad that I took the risk and ordered it. It was a nice discovery. I am hoping that the rest of my organizational items will arrive this week. If they do I will make sure to share them on the blog. 

Have a great Monday!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

A Beautiful Gold Tray

Good Morning Everyone,

It is a beautiful morning here in Indy. My lilacs are beginning to bloom and my peonies are coming up nicely. Our local Mayor here has extended our stay-at-home order until May 15th. So it looks like I may be working from home until the end of May….. on to something fun. 

It’s wonderful finding beautiful accessories, especially when they are of great quality and a great price. 

Like this beautiful gold tray that I found at World Market. Unfortunately, I just checked and it is now sold out. I am sorry but there are similar ones here, here, and here.

It is beautiful and I do enjoy the way it looks on my table. It’s gorgeous and looks so sophisticated. Finding beautiful things has been such a joy recently. I hope it can continue. 

Have a great weekend!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

My First Grove Collaborative Order

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you are still well. We are hanging in there. At the end of the week, we will find out if our state will open up for business. I really don’t know. It’s hard because you don’t want to put people at risk but you don’t want to see people lose their jobs. 

What a mess…

Okay on to something fun. Most of you know that I follow Jennifer L. Scott from the Daily Connoisseur and she recently shared her Mother’s Day Gift Guide. For the last few years, I have been so tempted to purchase some of the organic home cleaning supplies from Grove Collaborative.

When she discussed the new rose scent that was debuting I knew at that point that I WANTED to try it. So I ordered my first set. 

So when my package arrived it looked so pretty. I got the dish liquid, hand soap, walnut scrubber, and one bottle of the all-purpose cleaner for free! I opened it and it smells just like fresh-cut roses. It is lovely. 

I ordered a second bottle for the upstairs of the all-purpose cleanercleaning caddy, and brush set. 

Now, this is a membership once you order but you can cancel. I believe you have to email them. I did push off my next order. You can select to push it off for a few months. I am going to think about it. I know when the holidays get here I want to try some of the Christmas scents and I may order a few as gifts. We will see. 

Let me know in the comments section if you are a Grove Collaborative subscriber. I am curious about how others are using this system. 

Thanks for reading!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

April Favorites ~ 2020

Good Morning Everyone,

It’s time for my April favorites even though I really wouldn’t call this month a favorite for anyone. But we have to find our items and events that we are grateful for right?

Let’s get started….

1) Most of you know that I changed around my office. It’s funny how changing around furniture can suddenly change around your life. 

It almost gives you a new perspective…

Now I have added a new rug and moved the artwork down. I love the new change. It almost feels like a new room. 

2) Since we have all been so limited in traveling I have been working on my planters and trying to come up with a plan for flowers this year. This planter turned out well and I look forward to adding more beautiful plants soon. 

3) Walking the boys has been a joy. Our daughter will pull out her bike and ride along with us. 

4) I cannot get enough of my scrambled eggs with veggies! I have been making this every day for lunch. The possibilities are endless!

Scrambled eggs, with tomato and spinach

5) I loved my table setting for Easter. We had a quiet dinner at home. I put steaks in the crockpot, made homemade mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli and we had berry tarts for dessert. We all enjoyed it!

6) I have about 19 packages coming from online shopping. I know that sounds horrible but it’s all organizational items for the home. I have been waiting patiently for all my packages. This week my new bedroom bench should be arriving from Walmart so we will see how that goes. Below is my new Sakarya area rug from Walmart.

I placed it in the family room and it looks great. I ordered it in the 5’2 x 7’4 size and it is the perfect fit. It was only $42 after shipping! So worth it!

And last but certainly not least, evenings at home have been nice. Once work is finished sometimes I will go out onto the porch and read or come in my sitting room, sit, and read. It has become my sanctuary away from my family. They can still get to me but they tend to give me my space when I am in this room. 

I hope you all enjoyed my favorites for the month. I will share my new purchases as they come in. Have a great Monday!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Elegant Blue and White Storage Bins

Good Morning Everyone,

I must say being home for the last few weeks has given me a different perspective on things. I have been thinking more about what I really want to do. I really would love to launch a lifestyle company. That would be the dream..seriously… but we will see. 

I have been finding more organizational items for my home. Below is the newest item that I discovered. 

These are the Threshold Floral Bins and I purchased three of them. I saw them on a fellow blogger’s post and just had to order some. Blue and white….. I could not pass these up!

This is my printer station in my office. Now I have had these two storage bins for about 6 years and I thought it needed a little refresh. So this is before….

And this is after… so much better and it looks great. These two storage bins are pretty big. The price was not bad either. I have all of my files in both bins and it is orderly and nice. 

The smaller bin went under my sink and I have filled it with my feminine toiletries. I hope you guys enjoy these beautiful little storage bins. I love the colors and the pattern. There is just something so beautiful and elegant about blue and white. I believe that I will always love it. 

Have a great weekend!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Vintage Books at Home

Good Morning Everyone,

It is Wednesday and these days are just moving along. I do enjoy being home…. very much. I hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy, and safe. Going to the grocery store has become a pain. I feel like I am preparing for surgery every time I go. Geez…. 

This past weekend I got up early and let the dogs out, lit a candle and opens some windows. I came upstairs and looked at a few books on my shelf and my eyes landed on my vintage Martha Stewart books. 

It has been a while since I have read these. 

The first book is called Great Parties. I didn’t realize that Ina Garten was in this book with her! How wonderful. My two favorite cooks and entertainers. 

These look wonderful. Parsley Potato chips….. yum! 

I have always wanted to try a tomato pie. But I know that I would be the only one in the family that would eat it. 

The next book is called Good Things. I must admit my only favorite project out of this is the ribbon plate hanger.

Isn’t it chic?

Next is “How to Decorate”. It has wonderful ideas on how to create a beautiful space. One quote that I particularly enjoyed was this…“It is a luxury to live with beautiful color, to give your eyes the continual pleasure of absorbing rich and subtle shades from your surroundings.” 

That is exactly how I feel about paint colors. Especially when choosing them. 

I love the beautiful bed frame. 

And the last book is called “Special Occasions”.  

The chapters are divided into holidays. Truly “Martha style”.

I love branches. They can add such a dramatic effect to any room. 

Gorgeous salad! Look at all the colors.

Here is another recipe that I would love to try. Torta di Riso is an Italian short-grain rice with bread crumbs, fresh herbs, white wine, and parmesan. It sounds like a wonderful meal to eat outside. 

These are truly inspiring books. It’s hard to believe that these books were published back in the mid-1990s! The Special Occasions book was published back in 1994! So that recipe above for torta di riso was published back in 1994 and still looks wonderful today. I believe that Martha was so ahead of her time. 

I sort of wish my mother was into homemaking. It would have been nice to see these books when I was in elementary or middle school. 

Now, this photo is not from my Martha Stewart books but from Rachel Ashwell’s book, “The Shabby Chic Home”. I wanted to include this because honestly who would not want to see a dishwasher filled with gorgeous vintage china? I hope that they were in there just for drying. I would not think that one could put these in the dishwasher. I know I wouldn’t. 

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this post today. I love looking at vintage books. Oh, and I also have three vintage Martha Stewart Christmas books too. I may have to share those as well. 

Have a great day!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)