Things I Loved In 2019

Hi guys!! I know I promised you a home tour... it's coming soon! For now enjoy another view of my Chorus @arhaus cabinet in its new home!!…

Good Morning Everyone,

I am such a person of routine and don’t like change much but recently I have been craving change in some areas of my life. For one where I park in the morning has recently begun to drive me nuts!

I park about 4 blocks away from my office. Yes, you heard me 4 blocks! For the last 10 years that walk has never bothered me until recently. It was about two weeks ago when I was making that walk that I said in my mind, “okay, that’s it, I’m tired of this”. I don’t want to make this journey anymore. 

I no longer feel safe, the homeless are getting out of control, I have had too many men following me to my car, the mall is a mess and I want to be closer to my building. 

So I made a change recently. I have found a garage and it is across from where I work. So we will see how this new change goes for 2020. 

I have so many things that I want to accomplish this year but I wanted to review 2019. As I was going through all of my blog posts checking for the popular ones I found ones that I really enjoyed writing and wanted to share those. So below are MY favorite blog posts of 2019!

I actually need to do this now!

Still a dream! 

I need to print this blog post out!

I still love it!

Enjoy your Monday everyone!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

A Gentle Reminder

Hello Friday….already,

It’s been two days since I have been in my garage and so far so good. About two weekends ago I picked up a Victoria magazine from the store and found an article called, Moments of Solitude”.

Boy, do I need these. This article was so beautifully well written and the pictures just make you want to climb right in. I wanted to share this beautiful article with all of you as we close out our first week of 2020. Enjoy your weekend.

Moments of Solitude

* Finding solitude in hand written letters and a cup of tea.

Moments of Solitude

This is beautiful. I can see myself sitting here planning my spring garden. “Okay, so how many hydrangeas and rose bushes do I want to plant this year”?

A double bouquet is always my favorite thing. Especially on a bedside table. 

Moments of Solitude

A beautiful cup of tea next to you and as you look over at the window you can see the snow falling gracefully for hours. Pure solitude….

(photos via Victoria

Top Post of 2019

Good Morning Everyone and Happy New Year!

Gosh, a decade has ended and a new one is beginning. It’s 2020…. that sounds so weird, doesn’t it? I remember when it was 1991 and one of my mother’s friends said, ” Hey when it’s the year 2000 you guys might be flying in your cars”! I thought wow… that sounds cool. Now as an adult that sounds like a nightmare!

I would NOT want to be flying in my car! I hate heights and just thinking of all the mess we would have. I am glad to see that her premonition was not true. Thank goodness…

I wanted to share in this post the top posts of 2019. Thank you to all of you who have been continuous readers of my blog. It has been fun meeting new people and talking with the old ones. Cheers to your new year everyone!

1) Living During a Shutdown

2) The Classic Quilted Handbag

3) Thinking about Weddings

4) Teaching Elegance & Homekeeping

5) My Elegance Tested ~ Part 2

6) Ann Taylor Factory ~ Cheap Finds

Top Posts of 2018

(photos via Mrs. Shockley & Pinterest)

December Favorites

Good Monday Morning,

Wow, well that went fast! Thanksgiving and Christmas, I almost forgot about writing a post for the blog! Geez. 

Well, I hope that you all had a great Christmas. I did. It was a lot of WORK but we managed and got through it all even while spending time with family. Now time for the daily grind and getting back into the swing of things. 

I tell you what I can’t wait until my daughter drives. Yes, of course, I am terrified but it will be nice to have my mornings back and put more responsibility on her to get herself to school. I have to have her there by 7:50 a.m.! Oh, I hate it but I try to take it in because, in the end, I will miss our drives to school in the morning.

Now let’s dive right into my December favorites….

The picture above is of the nightly serum I have been using for about two months now and it’s called the Clarins Double Serum. Now I know it is expensive but it is so worth the price! I have noticed such a change in my face. It’s bright and I don’t wear any foundation. It has 21 plant extracts in it and I only use it at night. Just two small pumps and I apply the serum to my face and neck. It’s glorious and the smell is magnificent. 

The second love on my list is the HBO documentary about Ralph Lauren called Very Ralph. What a wonderful documentary. It was so well done and to be quite honest I should not expect anything less from the timeless man himself. If you have cable I would search for it and watch it. It is streaming for free on cable. Do watch it. You will be inspired. 

Third, on my list has been a beautiful Christmas movie that I have watched over and over. It is called Borrowed Hearts. I saw this movie years ago and it just popped in my mind over the holiday season. So I did a search on my Comcast cable and found it for free! I have watched it over 10 times! It is so well written and I think that Eric McCormack and Roma Downey did a wonderful job. Search for it if you can!

Fourth on my list has been this wonderful sample that I received at the cosmetic show that I attended a few months ago. I was given a sample of Laura Mercier Rose Nourishing Oil. I have been using it everywhere! The light rose scent and nourishing oil has been heaven-sent for my heels. You are suppose to use it on your face but I have been using it all over! Forgive me but it is that good. 

Fifth on my list was my very first podiatrist visit! Yes, I made an appointment with a podiatrist. I have never been to one before but I noticed something going on with my toes and I wanted to get an expert opinion. Now I do not have my results back yet but do you guys remember when my foot was swollen? I mentioned it in one of my YouTube videos. Well, it turns out that I actually broke my foot!

Can you believe that? This is an actual screenshot of my doctor’s laptop and my foot. I had a fracture that most people have to have surgery on. I couldn’t believe it! My doctor said that it actually healed back in place perfectly! I prayed over my foot and once I heard that I prayed silently on the inside, thanking God! 

Sixth on my list have been my Ann Taylor slingbacks. I purchased these last month and have not regretted it! I hope that some of you were able to grab a pair. They are now 50% off!

It’s been a great month and I am looking forward to new things this year. I have been writing in my new Day Designer about things I want to see come into fruition. I pray for wonderful things this year and new opportunities. Enjoy your Monday!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Merry Christmas Gifts

Good Morning Everyone and Merry Christmas!

I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season with your families. I have been so busy the past few days but I wanted to take the time to wish all of my blog readers a very Merry Christmas and a big thank you!

Thank you for following my blog and for keeping in touch with me for all these years. Can you believe that I started this blog in 2014? I can’t! I am closing in on 1,000 posts! Wow…

This blog has opened a lot of doors for me. For one it has allowed me to find wonderful and beautiful friends. Some of my best friends have been found through blogging. I love it, thank you.

In today’s post, I wanted to share a few of my Christmas purchases for family. The photo above is of two scarfs that I picked up at H&M. They are for my husband’s uncles. 

This is a jeweled sweater that I picked up last year (December 2018) during H&M’s after Christmas sales. I purchased this for my father-in-law’s wife. After Christmas is the perfect time to purchase Christmas gifts for the following year. I only paid $10 for this!

I keep all of my Christmas gifts in a large tub in my guest bedroom. I just continue to shop throughout the year so it’s not a mad dash at the end to purchase gifts.

I love these beautiful gift tags that I found at T.J. Maxx.
I found this beautiful pink blush outfit with matching tights at T.J. Maxx for my husband’s cousin. She just had a baby last year. I thought the plush ballerina unicorn would be a nice touch. I only paid $12 for the outfit and only $8 for the unicorn. 

My husband’s grandmother loves soft large blankets. She’s almost 90 now and I wanted to keep that going. I found this last year for only $12. I hope she loves it!

Dinnerware can be a wonderful gift so I could not pass up these beautiful, large poinsettia plates from T.J. Maxx. I purchased them last year in December for only $4 each! I am giving them to my husband’s aunt. She is the first lady at her church. I figured that she might be able to use them there. 

My mother in law is always hard to buy for but this year we found this North Face vest for only $50 and this Michael Kors wallet for only $20! My mother in law is a bit of a fashionista. She pays attention to the trends and has very good taste.
I had to wrap her gift in my blue and white wrapping paper.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and thank you again for taking this journey with me. 

Merry Christmas!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Inspired by Pink and Green


photo credit Chelsae A. Sahlman

Happy Friday,

Let the countdown begin to the Christmas festivities! I for one am looking forward to next week. This week has been a busy one so far and I am looking forward to spending time with family and not going to the office!

I know it’s Christmas time but can I share this beautiful apartment decorated by Danielle D. Rollins? I would really love to have this stunning petite fringe sofa. I believe it is from Society Social. Perfect isn’t it?


photo credit Chelsae A. Sahlman

I am loving the pink and green color scheme. Even the pops of blue and white are lovely. I have been on the lookout for new bedding for ummm years now! I can’t seem to find something that I love. So seeing inspiration like this helps me to broaden my horizons a little more. 

photo credit Chelsae A. Sahlman

Can we talk about the closet? I love the space and the windows!!! Oh gosh, I would LOVE to have windows in my closet. The opportunity to add more texture and color to your closet…. would love it!

If you want to see more from this apartment, you may read it here. I hope you all have a great weekend and I may post once next week and take the rest of the time off. We will see. 


(photos via House

Holiday Etiquette- Quick Reminders

Hello Everyone,

With Christmas being next week, I thought I would share these tips from etiquette expert Myka Meier, founder of the Beaumont Etiquette program.

We are all either going to be a host or guest so these tips are wonderful to read and to put into your mental rolodex for the holiday season. 

I shared these last year on the blog. Andrea from The Glampad, interviewed the lovely etiquette coach last year and provided a series of lessons on her blog.  

Inspiring & Dreamy

For the host…

When guests RSVP, ask them if they have any food allergies or dietary restrictions. Make sure there are plenty of dishes to accommodate anyone’s dietary needs.
For larger holiday dinner parties, it’s okay to set your place settings and table decor at least one day in advance of your party. By setting the table in advance, you can focus on food preparation on the day of the event.
Ensure that your table’s décor, including flowers and candles, do not block the view across the table and therefore make conversation between guests difficult.
Try to prepare as many dishes as you can ahead of your guest arrivals. This way you are able to entertain as they arrive and not rushing in and out of the kitchen to check on the meal. We suggest having some light hors d’oeuvres and drinks to serve when guests arrive, as they’ll be hungry when they arrive and it may take time to get all the food on the table.
If you have family or friends who can help out, delegate responsibilities to them. For example, have one person responsible for greeting guests, one for taking coats, and one for making sure all guests have a full drink in hand.
The host or hostess should always sit closest to the kitchen in order to be able to access it quickly should a guest need anything.
Be sure to turn off the TV during the meal and put on seasonal music instead. This will help everyone enjoy both the food and the company all the more.
Be over prepared. Thanksgiving tends to be an over indulgent holiday. Plan for plenty of food and drinks if possible, so that if someone wants a second helping you can graciously serve it to them.
If you wish to say a prayer or toast do so before you begin the meal, and make sure the host or hostess initiates it.

For the guest:
One should arrive at an event at someone’s home between the time listed on the invitation and 20 minutes after. Do not arrive early as the host or hostess is most likely putting last minute touches on various elements of the party. When you arrive, offer to help the host or hostess in any way you can.
If you have food allergies or dietary restrictions, do notify your host or hostess when you RSVP.
It’s likely your host or hostess has spent hours if not days preparing. Show respect, enthusiasm, and mirror their effort by dressing in the spirit of the holiday!
Before you take a seat at the dining table, ask if seats are assigned. There may be a seating chart that the host or hostess has organized.

Honest Questions:
Are hostess gifts always required?
It is always appropriate to bring a gift to someone’s home. The host may tell you not to bring anything, but they won’t refuse your thoughtful gesture once you arrive at their home. A hostess gift can be a small item, such as a candle, home-baked goods or a set of decorative cocktail napkins.
What should you do when someone gives you a gift and you don’t have anything for them in return?
If this situation happens you should not draw attention to the fact that you don’t have a gift for them. Instead focus on showing the person who has gifted you a present gratitude. If you felt the need or desire to you can always send a gift to them at a later date.
And these are just a few of the many questions on the blog post. If you wish to read the post you may view it here.
I hope that you all have found these tips useful. I know I have and will continue to return to this blog post for many seasons to come. 
Have a great Wednesday!

(tips and information Andrea, The

photos via Pinterest