October Favorites
Good Morning All,
Back to the normal schedule this week. Our daughter is heading back to school after two weeks off for fall break.
I do enjoy it when she has breaks. It’s nice to have some time off from the morning school rush. My family and I finally went and saw Gemini Man with Will Smith this weekend. It was very good! Not too much blood, profanity, and no sex! Thank goodness. We were able to enjoy the entire movie.
Alright, let’s get into my favorites for this month.
My first was this wonderful surprise from a fellow Youtuber. I talked about her channel before. It is called Inspired by Nikki and my closet was featured in one of her videos!

Third, on my list is a poem that I recently heard on one of my favorite podcast shows. I listen to David Jeremiah every morning and it always helps me to start my day off right. Love his sermons and teachings. Last week he recited a poem that has just stuck with me for the last two weeks now.
There are two natures that beat within my chest.
One is foul, and one is blessed.
The one I love; the one I hate.
The one I feed with dominate.
It makes you think, doesn’t it?

And last on my list are my beautiful red mums that we picked up in Brown County, Indiana. We paid about $25 for both but they were so worth it. I love them! These are the best mums I have ever had.
I hope you enjoyed these favorites and have a great Monday. I have printed off my Christmas list and I am working on getting it done before Thanksgiving. I am already halfway there! Wish me luck!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)