Ted Baker Travel Wallet

Hello Everyone,
My family and I have returned from Florida. Vacations go by so fast! I always make sure that I take an extra day to have to myself to get things done at home.
Well in today’s post I am going to walk everyone through our little Florida adventure!
Our flight was great and Lauren LOVED flying! She never stopped looking out of the window and when I asked her what were her thoughts she said, “It wasn’t that bad mom. I don’t understand why everyone made such a big deal about it”! Okay, I took that as a good sign.
The first place we visited was a restaurant called Deck 84. It is a casual waterfront restaurant. So I finally got my dining “al fresco” completed this month!
Good Friday Morning Everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your 4th! It was sooo hot here in Indy. We hardly wanted to leave the house but we went on a bike ride at the park and watched some fireworks in our neighborhood. It is Friday and I have started my summer vacation! I took off work today and Monday. Tuesday we will be FLYING to Florida! We have always driven on our family trips so this year will be the first year that we are going to be on a plane together! I am so excited for our daughter Lauren. She has never been on a plane before so we all hope that her first plane ride goes well.
We are going to be visiting some friends in Fort Lauderdale. I am hoping to also visit Naples. I would love to do some shopping there and see their turquoise water and white sand beaches.
I have a list of activities that we can do so we will see. Of course, I will be taking some time off from the blog and from my YouTube channel so I will see you all soon! Enjoy your week!
(photos via Pinterest)
I love a good etiquette list. Especially one with great reminders on it. I saw this list about a week ago called 25 Etiquette Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30. Some of these actually made me chuckle. “Wait a minute, people are still doing some of these”? Oh, I should know better. I see people do some of the craziest things all the time.
Good Monday Morning Everyone! I just wanted to post a quick little entry today about a recent holistic nutritionist that I found by the name of Meghan Livingstone.
I found her just surfing on YouTube one night looking for healthy recipes. Meghan had some issues with her digestive system a few years ago and her story piqued my interest.
Learning how to eat well, continuing with my food education, and health journey has been on my radar constantly. Just yesterday we went to the county fair and I shared a funnel cake with my husband. Oh boy, did I feel like crap after I ate some! It’s amazing how foods can affect your health!
I have really enjoyed Meghan’s channel. I especially liked her “10 Foods I Always Buy” video. I have watched it a few times already and have started a routine list of excellent foods to buy.
Good Morning Everyone! It’s the end of another week and the end of June. Gosh! The end of June already. I recently checked to see how many blog posts I have published and I have written and published over 800 blog posts! Wow…. I have no idea how I am still doing this. I really don’t….
I recently shared in my Youtube video that I ordered the Antica Farmacista Sample Kit. I received my kit recently and went on a spraying frenzy in my home!
Good Morning Everyone! I am beginning to count down the days until vacation. I am looking forward to being home and going to Florida. I am also hoping to get to Naples while we are there. I have always wanted to visit there.
If you follow me on Instagram then you saw my recent photos of my dresser. I am so happy with my new piece! The photo above is the old dresser that we purchased a few months before we got married in 2003. It has served its purpose and we have moved it to our future guest bedroom.