Cherry Blossom Tea

Sorry for the no-post on Monday. I have been really wiped out lately! I think my body was still tired from the trip and then I am going to be honest…. I still have not recovered from the time change. I want my hour back darn it!
But anyway I must adapt and move on…. right? It has been almost two weeks since my trip to D.C. and I have still not stopped thinking about those cherry blossoms. I have been trying for years and I do mean years to see them. This year when I was making travel plans I told myself, “okay I don’t care anymore I am not going to get upset if we miss cherry blossom season again. I am just going to enjoy my trip and that is that”. And seriously you guys I left it at that. I did not think about it nor worry anymore. It was so freeing.
And then this began to happen the day we arrived….
Bonjour everyone! It’s the end of the week (finally) and I am looking forward to our 70-degree weather that has been predicted for our weekend here! Yay! I have gone out to my front yard to see if there is any sign of life and my peonies are coming up!
So excited! I hope I get some great blooms this year. This will be my first year growing my very own peonies. I will update you guys on the process as things come along. Well, today I thought I would share some beautiful and elegant pieces that I purchased while on my way to D.C. last week.
I wanted to make sure that everyone had a chance to purchase these before they sold out.
It’s Wednesday…. already. We are in our first week of April and I have not posted my March favorites. It did take me a moment to remember a few things that I have enjoyed for the month of March. I had a lot going on work-wise so everything just flew by.
Well, let’s get right into my favorites…
I have returned home from Washington and it was a great! I enjoyed all of the sights and I really loved the cherry blossoms! I still can’t believe that I got to see them! It was like a dream….
I look forward to sharing my trip on the blog. But I wanted to address something here just for a moment. You know….. I hate it when porn websites visit my blog. It is the most disgusting thing to see… porn sights show up on your blog reports. Yes, we see you sick people visiting our blogs. GO AWAY! I don’t know why you people are visiting my blog. I am working on getting you banned from my blog. It is really ridiculous!
It’s makes you wonder why they are visiting. Are you trying to steal my photos and use them on your sight and pretend you are me so that you can steal money from other people? I would not be surprised if that were the case. I am so glad that my office is prosecuting people like this. Just gets on my nerves.
Well let’s move on….
It’s time again! I am headed to Washington, D.C. for another week. My family and I will be there next week so I will be m.i.a. on the blog. I am going for another week of work but I am hoping to enjoy it like we have the last few times.
Another place on my agenda is a Goodwill! I know that is weird but I am so curious to see what things I could find at a Goodwill store in D.C.
Other than that I am open to whatever. Of course, I would love to see all of the monuments again and visit the Library of Congress and the National Gallery of Art. Those are my favorite places in D.C.
So until April….. enjoy your week!
(photo via Mrs. Shockley)
So we are already into the middle of March and these months are just flying by. My favorite author Jennifer L. Scott has already given us our chic assignments for March. I shared a few weeks ago my February chic assignments and the status of where I am on them. This is such an enjoyable activity. I have really enjoyed this.
Now let’s get into March’s assignments.…
Jennifer’s first assignment is to listen to Chopin Nocturne and I have. What a wonderful piece! I am still working on practicing my piece from Bach. It will be a process. Stay tuned!
The next assignment is to make your laundry more routine and more pleasurable! It’s funny because I was already working on that. I went to the Container Store to try to find some organizational bins for my laundry room and I found these and these and they worked out great!