Wonderful Books to Read

Life Lessons from Chanel….



Happy Friday!

I hope everyone is well. I have started decorating for fall. I have my faux pumpkins on the porch and my velvet pumpkins on my table! I am not trying to rush the autumn season, but I am trying to rush the weather part. Geez, it’s still humid! I hate it. I am looking forward to those crisp mornings again. 

It’s Friday and I am feeling a little inspired by Chanel. I purchased this book from the gift shop when we were touring the mansions in Newport. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Here are a few quotes from the book…

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance”.

“A woman can be overdressed but never over elegant”. (Love this!)

“Fashion has two purposes: Comfort and love. Beauty comes when fashion succeeds”. 

“Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory”. 



I always check my jewelry before I leave my home. I try to keep it to only three things. Earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace or scarf. Sometimes it’s only two pieces. 


“One shouldn’t spend all one’s time dressing. All one needs are two or three suits, as long as they and everything to go with them are perfect”. 

“I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without making herself up a little”. I think the key word to this quote is “a little”. Chanel isn’t saying that it has to be much. Just a little people!



I always share this photo of this vanity. I believe this is where it starts. 


“Once cannot be forever innovating. I want to create classics”.

I want to see classics!


“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all”. This quote puts a smile on my face every time I read it. 

And the last one that I will share…


“You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life”. Now that would be wonderful!


I hope you all found some inspiration and confidence in these quotes. This is a really cute and uplifting book. It’s funny how this woman had these thoughts so many years ago. It’s pretty amazing. 

Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to watch my latest video on Youtube!





Vintage Roses- A New Book


Good Snowy Morning,

And we have tons of snow! It is so cold here and it will be in the negatives tonight! I am working from home today as well. I am hoping that I can go out and run errands on Saturday but we will see. I am trying to get some things ordered for Lauren’s 17th birthday! Can you guys believe she will be 17 next month? Her favorite party of mine was the flower arranging birthday party that I threw for her in 2015. She was only 10! Her paint party was a blast as well. Time is slipping away, really fast. 

I think most of you know that I ordered the Georgianna Lane Book called “Vintage Roses” and I could not be happier with it. It not only has beautiful photography but is very informative. I wanted to share some snapshots of it below. 





I love a soft pink rose. I wish I could find these at my local grocery store. This is called the Heritage rose. It was introduced by David Austin in 1984. 



This flower is called Tasogare. This is a sugary, sweet-pea lavender in hue. This is a Japanese rose introduced by Morji Kobayashi in 1977. Tasogare means “sundown time” in Japanese, and is also used as a metaphor for old age. 




Queen of Sweden! Isn’t she beautiful? This is a beautiful English Musk hybrid that was introduced by David Austin in 2004. It is a cross between an Old Rose and a Noisette. David named it to commemorate 350 years of friendship between Sweden and Great Britain. 

I could just stare at it for hours. I may have to take this book with me to the garden nursery when it gets warm and ask if I could grow these here. 



These deliciously blowsy roses are called Penelope. I have ALWAYS wanted something like this growing on the sides of my home. I think these became popular again by Sarah Jessica Parker in the television series called Sex and the City. It is a hybrid musk and can grow around 59-79 inches. It can grow taller in warmer climates where it can turn into a climber. It is tolerant of shade and can withstand poor soil if it must. It was created in 1924 by Reverand Joseph Hardwick. 

I hope you all enjoyed this little snapshot of this stunning book. Please stay warm and enjoy your weekend!



A Checklist for Cozy



Good Morning,

Our temperatures here are beginning to drop. I still can’t believe the weather that some states are getting. So far here in Indy, we have been able to dodge the snowstorms. I can’t believe it! We are suppose to drop tomorrow down to the single digits and everyone is complaining. I keep telling people, “we are due”! With cold temperatures in mind that had me thinking about Paula Sutton’s “Checklist for Your Cozy Nesting Space”

I read this in her book a few weeks ago and wanted to share her tips.


My cozy blanket


  • Her first tip is: A favorite warm blanket. Getting cozy is all about staying toasty and warm. You may not have an open fire, but a good-quality blanket reserved for this exact moment of the year will make it feel extra special.  (I purchased this cozy blanket from Amazon. The link is here.


My candles 


Her second tip is:

  • A scented candle. Never underestimate the benefits of smell and calm-inducing aromas. Lavender reduces stress levels and helps you to sleep, ylang ylang is known for its relaxing properties and has been found to aid issues of anxiety, depression, and even high blood pressure (although always check with your doctor to treat serious medical issues); lemon and other citrus scents are good for calming stress- they are also said to improve memory!  (I am loving these Tory Burch candles another favorite candle is fresh cut lilacs from Bath and Body Works.)


The third tip is:



And her last tip is:

  • Your favorite hot drink. Warm milk is a great addition to your calming routine. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can make you feel calm, and hot drinks naturally provide comforting feelings. Chamomile and lemon balm are also known for their calming properties if you’d rather not drink milk. ( I drink chamomile tea every day. It’s my favorite! ) 


Just reading this list makes me want to stay home and “cozy up” in my bed with my blanket, soft socks, scented jasmine candle, and a cup of hot tea! Have a great Wednesday!




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Planning a Tea Party


Good Friday Morning,

I am ready for the three-day weekend! I plan on getting a few house chores done, work on my taxes, and maybe go antiquing. I will try to record a video for my channel but we will see. I do plan on trying a new recipe this week.  It’s called macaroni soup and I will share it if it is a success! 

I have been getting back into reading The Art of Tea by Victoria Magazine during my lunch breaks. I haven’t gotten too far in the book. I have a tendency to try to rush through a book because I feel like I am on a timeframe to read it but I am trying to break myself of that. Do any of you do that?


photo credit: Tallwood Country House.com


I am still in the first part of the book and in this section, they are discussing the planning part of a tea party. I honestly love this part just as much as enjoying a cup of tea. One of the best tips is planning ahead. Some of the questions that the book mentions that you should ask yourself is:

  • How many guests are anticipated?
  • Will the party be casual or formal?
  • Will the tea but themed, or is it an occasional function?


Photo credit: Pinterest


The book also suggests looking for recipes from your favorite books. I know making these has been on my radar for a while now. Also having personal touches for each guest. I like the idea of having a tea basket for each guest. A tea basket would make a wonderful gift. You could include tea, of course, a vintage teacup and saucer, wrapped pastries, and other items. 

I have been wanting to have a tea and lunch at The Tea Room of Rustic Root. It’s a new tea room that is near me! I can’t find anyone to go with me so I may have to just go alone. That is something that I do often. I will probably grab a small table in the Lilac room. That room is my favorite so far. 

I hope you all enjoyed these tips and pick up your copy soon! It’s a wonderful read and is full of recipes as well. Have a wonderful weekend! 



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Hill House Vintage- A New Book



And it’s Wednesday. I have had such a busy week. This week I am filling in for my friend as she takes a trip to Tahiti to celebrate her one-year wedding anniversary. I am so jealous but she has no kids and can take journeys like this. I am sure that she is enjoying herself. 

This week has been swamped with meetings, new cases to learn, keeping track of my staff, preparing for a new U.S. Attorney, and trying to plan a Christmas luncheon with the ladies that I supervise. Not to mention I have to put my Christmas trees up this weekend. The carpet crew is coming back to finish my steps this weekend and I need to clean my step-son’s/ husband’s mancave. They have completed trashed the room!

Tomorrow is a holiday but I still have to take my new car in for repair. I had it shipped here from another state and when they pulled it off the truck someone backed into something and put a dent in the bumper!  After my car repair, I am hoping to tackle my step-son’s room but we will see. I am glad to be busy right now. We are still grieving the loss of our dog Deacon. Goodness, we miss him so much! 

Okay, let me share my new book purchase! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I ordered Paula’s new book Hill House Vintage! It is a wonderful book with beautiful photography from Paula’s home. I am still in the intro part of the book. I have only been able to read bits of it but I love how she talks about her childhood. And her childhood home is a dream! 

Another quality that I love about Paula is her honesty. If you follow her on Instagram you will read in some of her posts about how she struggled with depression and had a hard time trying to find her way. I love how she turned her passion into a business! That is my dream ultimately. I want to create beautiful home decor, clothing, etc. but we will see what the Lord has planned. 



I simply love this photo! It screams, I am me and I am free! I hope you all got to see her recent video on Youtube. They are always so tastefully done!



I hope you can pick up a copy for yourself. I can’t wait to get more into the book. I will promise to share any tips and tricks that she discusses. I will confess that I have another book on my radar as well. I saw that Aerin Lauder shared her new book about her grandmother Estee called Estee Lauder: A Beautiful Life. I am hoping to snag this in a few months. It looks exquisite!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!





New Victoria Book



Good Morning Everyone,

I had a wonderful staycation last week. I really didn’t want it to end! I wanted to take this week off as well but oh well back to the daily grind. I will be sharing my staycation with you all later this week. I purchased a LOT of stuff. Our trip to the outlet mall in Cincinnati was delightful and I watched Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant movies this week. I got really tired of all of the crazy movies I saw on Netflix. 

In today’s post, I wanted to share my new book purchase. I purchased this before my staycation and I have been enjoying it so much!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


This book has been so inspiring. Each time I saw a china pattern I instantly “googled” it. Some of the patterns are a small fortune. Goodness gracious! I love reading the description and learning about what and why the designers used certain china and fabrics. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


Living with Blue and White is truly a treat for those of us who love this pattern and color combination. I do hope that you can order a copy soon. It would be a wonderful addition to anyone’s collection. 

Also, I wanted to give everyone an update on the boutique’s pop-up shop. It went so well! I met a lot of women and it made my heart sing seeing everyone try on the dresses! I sold quite a bit and I am down to the last few on some of them. I only have one Green Garden Maxi left. It is in a size small but during my pop-up shop, a customer (who normally wears a large) tried on the small and could fit it beautifully. It is only $19! I also only have 2 of the Audrey Ruffle Maxi left. A size 1x and a size 2x. It is on sale for $20!  I have only one of the Rose & Dot dress left. It is a size extra large and it is only $17. In addition to these items, all earrings are only $5. Once items are sold out I will not be restocking them. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I love forward to sharing my staycation with you this week!



fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.


What’s Your Secret Garden?



Good Morning Everyone,

It has been a nice long weekend and really needed. I slept in on Saturday and Sunday. Today I got up and walked my 2 miles around the neighborhood. It was beautiful and cool. During that time I talk to God a lot. I express my worries, concerns and I try to remember to give praise reports during that time as well. 

Last week while I was cleaning my loft/office I started staring at my bookshelf. My eyes landed on Fiona Ferris’s book Thirty Chic Days. I wrote about this book several times here on the blog. I decided to take it to work to read it while on my lunch break. My eyes landed on the chapter called, “Create and Guard your Secret Garden”. 


My sitting room at home


Fiona said, “Your secret garden is where you dream of how beautiful and successful your life will be. It holds safe all those plans and thoughts that you might think others will make fun of or scoff at and tell you to “get real” about, but you know better; dreaming of an enchanting future makes you feel happy and inspired”.

I know I have this “secret garden”. My morning walks have become a secret garden. It’s when I talk to God and express my feelings. I am so free during my morning walks. No one is around and it’s quiet. It’s a great time for me to talk with the Father in heaven. 

My lunch breaks have become a secret garden. I take that time to read other blogs, read books, journal, shop, send emails and gain inspiration for the blog. This is also a time when I enjoy my beautiful lunch. I set a place on my desk and enjoy eating. 


photo via Victoria Magazine 


Other places for me that I have designated as my secret garden are my front porch, my sitting room, the blog, the boutique, honestly anywhere I am I try to create this. Fiona also said that spending time with a great book could be your secret garden. Other tips that she gave in her book were “mindful secret gardens”. She said that setting an intention is a great way to be mindful. She gave the example of “ahead of time you decide that you won’t be snacking from all the bowls of sweets and nibbles around, that you will sip your drink elegantly, and that you will have only one serving at the dinner buffet. You’ve also decided that you won’t be drawn into any arguments or family drama, as well as speaking positively and not gossiping.”

I am sure many of us have done this before. Set a mindful intention of not overeating and gossiping. I know I have. 


photo credit: Aerin Launder Instagram


There are so many benefits to having a “secret garden”. It’s a world that you create and a space that you enjoy. I love my secret gardens! I am sure that many of you have them. What are your secret gardens? Are any of you willing to share? Put it in the comments section below. Let’s share our beautiful pleasures with one another. Have a great Monday!