Vintage Roses- A New Book


Good Snowy Morning,

And we have tons of snow! It is so cold here and it will be in the negatives tonight! I am working from home today as well. I am hoping that I can go out and run errands on Saturday but we will see. I am trying to get some things ordered for Lauren’s 17th birthday! Can you guys believe she will be 17 next month? Her favorite party of mine was the flower arranging birthday party that I threw for her in 2015. She was only 10! Her paint party was a blast as well. Time is slipping away, really fast. 

I think most of you know that I ordered the Georgianna Lane Book called “Vintage Roses” and I could not be happier with it. It not only has beautiful photography but is very informative. I wanted to share some snapshots of it below. 





I love a soft pink rose. I wish I could find these at my local grocery store. This is called the Heritage rose. It was introduced by David Austin in 1984. 



This flower is called Tasogare. This is a sugary, sweet-pea lavender in hue. This is a Japanese rose introduced by Morji Kobayashi in 1977. Tasogare means “sundown time” in Japanese, and is also used as a metaphor for old age. 




Queen of Sweden! Isn’t she beautiful? This is a beautiful English Musk hybrid that was introduced by David Austin in 2004. It is a cross between an Old Rose and a Noisette. David named it to commemorate 350 years of friendship between Sweden and Great Britain. 

I could just stare at it for hours. I may have to take this book with me to the garden nursery when it gets warm and ask if I could grow these here. 



These deliciously blowsy roses are called Penelope. I have ALWAYS wanted something like this growing on the sides of my home. I think these became popular again by Sarah Jessica Parker in the television series called Sex and the City. It is a hybrid musk and can grow around 59-79 inches. It can grow taller in warmer climates where it can turn into a climber. It is tolerant of shade and can withstand poor soil if it must. It was created in 1924 by Reverand Joseph Hardwick. 

I hope you all enjoyed this little snapshot of this stunning book. Please stay warm and enjoy your weekend!



2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    When I was a child I used to enjoy snow days. One of my favorite books was called A Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. In college my end of term project was done on that book. Snow and childhood go together like peanut butter and jelly lol. Enjoy the cozy warmth of home Mrs Shockley on your snow day❄☃️
    Oh that rose book looks positively wonderful. It’s such a majestic flower. That Penelope Rose oh she is lovely. Enjoy your weekend. If you do venture out be safe🌷💕😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I was able to run some errands! It was dreadful cold but the roads were clear. I agree about the combination of childhood and snow. There is nothing like it. The unfortunate part for these kids today is that instead of a snow day they are being turned into e-learning days. Not fun at all. I believe that they are missing out on so many things!

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