Good Morning Everyone,
It’s the middle of August already and we are headed toward less humidity this week! I was so excited to see the weather forecast for this week. I am breathing a sigh of relief. My husband’s grandfather’s funeral turned out okay. Everyone was nice and supportive of everyone. It actually turned into a celebration instead of a funeral. As it should be.
I received some good news after the funeral. I talked about the Indiana Paralegal’s Association and how I just joined. I think I mentioned that they also have special interests’ groups within the association and that I applied to be a part of one. What I did not expect was an email on Friday telling me that I was going to chair the group that I applied for! Now how funny is that! We will see how things go but I thought that was interesting.
I have also been trying to join the EARS Evaluation Program at my office for years now. I received an email the same day that I was nominated and finally will be placed on the team! This program is a team of people that go to different U.S. Attorney Offices around the country and evaluate how they are doing. I am scheduled to travel to San Diego in December and will be evaluating my first office in March of next year. I am so excited about these new journeys!
Now on to the last portion of our trip! Once we returned from Rhode Island we stopped in New Jersey and spent two more days with our friends. With that being said, we decided to head back into New York City and see Manhattan!

photo credits: Mrs. Shockley
This was the original Ralph Lauren Store. It is the store where everything began.

As soon as you walk in there is a doorman that opens the door for you, and you enter right into this beautiful entryway. The flowers are real!

Now this store is the men’s store. This entire building is for men. The women’s clothing and accessories is across the street. But I must say the men’s store is the epitome of elegance.

photo credits: Mrs. Shockley
Each room had its very own theme. I didn’t take pictures of all of the rooms. I wanted to enjoy the moment and take it all in. There was one room that was black and white, and I wanted to take a photo of that room but too many people kept coming in.

The Ricky bag on the shelf…
After walking around the men’s store. I decided to walk on over to the women’s store.

As soon as I walked in I was in awe again…

The women’s store had the Ralph Lauren Cafe inside. I did order a lemonade and cinnamon pastry.

photo credits: Mrs. Shockley
Now this store not only had the cafe, but it also had clothes, vintage jewelry and home decor! Very smart Ralph!

Fresh flowers everywhere…

I could not resist looking at the vintage jewelry collection. I can’t remember all of the details of every piece but the two that stand out to me are the two that I tried on.

photo credit: Mr. Shockley
I can’t remember all of the details of this bracelet, but I think it’s from the 1950s!

This one made my heart stopped! I think it’s from around the same time, had real diamonds and rubies and is from India. You could dress this down as well. Add a white crisp shirt, your favorite jeans, beautiful kitten heels, and this bracelet… sheer elegance!

After looking at the jewelry and some of the accessories I went upstairs to take a look at some of the home decor. All I kept saying was “oh my”.

photo credit: Mrs. Shockley
This will be the inspo behind my next blue and white arrangement!

All of this was Ralph Lauren….

This has some serious boutique inspiration for me! It would be a dream for me.

photo credit: Mr. Shockley
Look at these stairs! I believe the sale associate told me that these came from Italy and were about $5 million!! It looks like something from the original Chanel store.

Had to take at least one….

That store was truly a dream, and I could not leave with buying something. Both my husband and I really loved this Ralph Lauren scent. It’s called Round Hill. I love the lavender, and musk notes that it has. My second favorite scent was the Pied-A-Terre. It had notes of jasmine.
Before I end this post, I did want to quickly share our visit to the Newport Car Museum.

photo credit: Mrs. Shockley
My husband and stepson were so excited walking into this museum. I was hoping to see one of my dream cars and I did.

There were about 80 cars in this musem, and the staff was tremendously nice!

And then I saw it. A vintage Mercedes…

photo credit: Mrs. Shockley
This is a 1963 Mercedes Benz 300 SL.

It really is a beautiful car. I could see myself driving it with my sunglasses and hair scarf! Such a classic car. I hope you all enjoyed this last post from our summer vacation. It truly was a perfect vacation this year and I could not ask for a more wonderful experience. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!