Things I Love: Climbing Roses

And time for a little blue and white find. A few weeks ago, after viewing some wonderful finds at Ann Taylor, my family and I stopped by Sur La Table.
Remember I talked about this wonderful place when my husband and I took a cooking class there for a date night. Gosh, we really need to do that again, but they had new dinner plates and accessories.
Well Hello Everyone!
I am very excited this morning. As most of you know my bedroom, master bathroom and our daughter’s room was painted this weekend. Oh my gosh, it has been a long wait but my husband and our good friend Rob got it done Saturday morning.
I wrote about the paint colors in 2017 so this has been in the making for a while.
Bonjour Everyone!
I hope that your Friday is starting off well. Mine is okay. We dropped my step-son off at Ball State yesterday. It was a little bittersweet but I know that he is thrilled to begin his new journey.
I absolutely hate it when Ann Taylor sends out emails. I know that I have to look at the new arrivals section and I always hope that I don’t find anything.
That was the case when I received the new arrivals email about two weeks ago. My wish did not come true. Sighing…
I now have six new items on my wish-list and I really want them. Usually, when I see something on the website that I want I will just add it to my wish-list. Once I have a moment I print out my wish-list and go to my local Ann Taylor store to see it in person.
I am very fortunate to have two stores that have remained in our city. In some cases when I arrive at the store and view the item I am so glad that I did purchase it because it was not as pretty in person or the item is see-through. That has saved me lots of headaches.
This weekend my husband took me to the Ann Taylor and I was hoping that the items would look like crap but…. they don’t and now I can’t wait until they go on sale!
Good Morning Everyone!
Well, this was an interesting paragraph that I came across in the English Etiquette book, it was called “Rules for Good Partnerships at Home”. I had to share these tips on today’s blog post. I know we could all use some help in those marriages because sometimes wanting to live in order and being able to accomplish it with a spouse that is different from you can be challenging.
The first tip is…
All decisions made by the partnership are final, and not to be undermined by subordinates. These rules stay in place even if one partner is out of the picture temporarily.
(My husband and I established with the children when they were very young)
Children must be respectful to both parents and not try to win one over in order to change the opinion of the other.
Parents must demonstrate respect for their partner in front of their children. There is to be no badmouthing or complaining about their spouse in front of them.
(This one can be hard. Because sometimes I just want to beat my husband for not doing something that I asked him to do 6 years ago)
Parents must ensure that they have sufficient “scared time”. This means a set time in which children must be in bed so that parents can relax alone. Children are not permitted in the bedroom of the parents, or for cuddles on the sofa DURING THIS TIME.
And lastly,
Allow the love for your partner to be seen in front of the children. Kiss, compliment and communicate. You are the models for your children’s future relationships. Set a good example.
Great tips! Most of these my husband and I do pretty well but I’m telling you I have wanted to slap him upside his head for not doing something. Especially when I have waited for YEARS!
I hope that you all enjoyed these tips from author Alena K. Pettitt and pick up her book!
(photos via Pinterest, tips via The English Etiquette)
Good Monday Morning,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. My husband and I are gearing up to drop my step-son off at college this week. I can’t believe it seriously. I will be worrying about everything for him. But I am trying to have a little faith in his new adventure.
Worries are apart of life. I wish they weren’t but I am trying to learn to master my mind and not let silly things worry me. That’s another reason why I wanted to share this article that I found on Real Simple.
It’s called “Do You Need to Worry about these 12 Health Symptoms”? I wanted to share a few from the list that I know that I worried about at some point or another.
1) Okay, chronic headaches. Yes, I am one of the idiots that thought, “well could this be a brain tumor”? Stupid right? Well the doctor from the article said this…
“Headaches alone don’t make me look for a brain tumor,” says neurologist MaryAnn Mays, a staff physician at the Headache Center at the Cleveland Clinic. A brain tumor would typically involve symptoms such as sudden muscle weakness, headaches that wake you from sleep, numbness, personality changes, lack of coordination, vomiting, and changes in vision, hearing, and speech.
2) Breast pain
Of course, I think it’s breast cancer which is horrible. But the oncologist said this…
“Breast pain, in isolation, is almost never cancer,” says oncologist Richard Elledge, an associate professor of medicine at the Breast Center at the Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston. “You don’t need to worry,” he says, “unless you have symptoms, such as new lumps, that don’t come and go with menstruation; changes in the color or some other appearance of the skin over the breasts; or bloody discharge from the nipples.”
3) Chest pain
I couldn’t tell you how many times I have called my doctor about this in the past. But the cardiologist said this…
Heart attacks are relatively rare in people under the age of 45. The average age among women for a first heart attack is 70. Because getting treatment within one hour of a heart attack increases the survival rate, experts say not to ignore intense chest pain that lasts for more than five minutes. “I’ve had female patients as young as 32 have heart attacks,” says cardiologist Richard Stein, the director of preventive cardiology at Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City. If the pain lasts for more than five minutes, call 911.
and lastly
4) A New Mole, Pigmented Skin Growth or Spot
Since my mother in law found skin cancer on her about 2 years ago, I have been on high alert ever since. But what the dermatologist says is…
A harmless mole, a seborrheic keratosis (a wartlike growth common in people over 40), or an age spot. Skin is constantly changing, in part due to sun exposure. Many changes are harmless, but “if you’re over 30, take new moles seriously,” says Deborah Sarnoff, M.D., a professor of dermatology at the New York University School of Medicine. Do monthly self-exams and get a skin-cancer check from a dermatologist every three years if you’re between the ages of 20 and 40 and annually after age 40. The ABCDE warning signs for skin cancer are a mole or a spot that is asymmetrical, has an irregular border, is unevenly colored (or has patches of red, white, or blue), has a diameter wider than a quarter-inch, or seems to be evolving.
Well, this article sure did calm some of my nerves down. I hope it did the same for you. Please finished reading the rest of the article. There are more facts and reality checks that we all need.
Thanks for reading!
(article from Real