
March Favorites ~ 2025


Good Morning,

It has gotten chilly here again which is not fun because I just swapped over my closet to use my spring and summer accessories. Cleaning my closet every few months is so fun and important to me. It forces me to review my clothes and ask myself “are you wearing this”. It’s really good for keeping down the clutter. 

Oh my goodness, there has been so much going on. Next week I will be conducting my virtual training online. We are turning in our PowerPoint presentations this week and doing sound and edit checks as well. My nerves are starting to kick in, but it is exciting! 

Okay, now I have had a lot of beautiful finds this month and hope that you all enjoy them. 

First on my list is the beautiful Stoneware Cabbage Tea Pot, teacup and saucer set from Target. This sold out as fast as I could post it! They restocked it, then it sold out again! Keep it in your cart. They just might restock it.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 





Next are my recent Facebook Marketplace finds! I found these vintage nesting tables. The seller said that they belonged to his grandmother and then his mother. He sold them to me for only $20! I decided to move it to my office, and I love them so far. My second is the Bombay drawer chest. The seller actually has a store near me, and it is the same seller from my green chinoiserie inspired cabinet. It is so lovely. I love the shape, the color and all of the storage. I plan to move it to our future guest bedroom. 





















The FBMP finds continue. March was a big month for finds. In addition, to the two above I found this gorgeous round vintage table. I only paid $150 and again the owner told me that it belonged to her grandmother, and she had it for over 50 years. I told her that I would take good care of it. My family really loves this table. 





This next find has changed my grocery store shopping for me. I saw this on Instagram and knew that I had to get one. This magnetic phone holder can be used on shopping carts, strollers, and fitness bikes. I took it to the grocery store a few weeks ago and was so happy with it. I could keep my grocery list app opened while I shopped and checked off items. It was excellent!





Now let’s talk bags. I don’t know if I have mentioned that I have gotten a few new bags this month. I think that I mentioned the Coach Empire 48 bags that I got. I was not even looking for these because I knew that they were sold out, but my local Coach store had the black one in stock (it was the last one) then they called me to show me the maple and I could not resist. 



But my heart still wanted the Kisslock Frame Bag. When I saw Carrie from Sex in the City carrying it I just knew that I had to have it! The classic shape, gold hardware, and soft leather was the draw. I told my new Coach SA to call me if one surfaces. A few weeks later she did! A woman who I was talking to while I was getting the maple Empire 48 had both the black and dark brown Kisslock. Little did I know that she was thinking about returning them and she did! Katy called me immediately asking me if I wanted it and I said YES!! I am so happy and love it so much! I still want the black one and the honey Empire 48. If you are interested in my swan keychain you may find it here along with my Coach chain. 



Now if the Coach Kisslock is out of budget for you I did find this lovely tote from Caroline Hill. I have been on the hunt for a cream-colored tote and this hit the mark. I have gotten a lot of compliments on it. It has lots of room and the quality is pretty good. She has several more in different colors. 




Flowers are always a favorite. My husband got me these white roses for our 21st anniversary in February along with a copy of Aerin Lauder’s New Book Living with Flowers. This book is stunning of course, and I have just started to read it. I love Aerin Lauder’s esthetic and find inspiration in all of the pages. 




Target has been on point with their slingbacks. This is my third pair from them. These gorgeous slingbacks are perfect for spring and summer. I love the raffia design, in sole cushion and two-inch heel. The price is not bad as well. Order while you can. Target just keeps selling out of things. 




And my last favorite has been a new YouTube channel! I found Heather from Oh So Lovingly a few months ago and really enjoy her energy and the fact that she enjoys being herself. She has a cute home and has good taste. I am loving her antique adventures around Buckhead, Atlanta. You will enjoy her content, trust me! 

Well, that is it for March my friends. I hope that you found some wonderful inspiration this month and let me know in the comments below how you are doing. Have a great week! 


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Are You Growing Your Equity?


Hello Everyone!

I tell you I have been breathing a lot heavier these days. There is so much going on from extra duties at work, to changing homeowners’ insurance and car insurance, to doctor appointments, keeping up the home, exercising, planning trips, and even planting seeds in the greenhouse. My planner is full every day. I am trying to give myself a day where I don’t look at my phone, planner, or t.v. Geez. 

One thing I am starting to focus on is building my career equity. I have not told you all yet but I am reading Career Forward by Grace Puma and Christiana Smith Shi. I got to hear both of these women speak at the Indiana Women’s Conference in November. Once I heard them speak, I knew that I wanted their book. 

I am in a season in my life where I am having a lot of change. I am also in a position where it can become stagnant if you let it, and I am a person who refuses to do that. With each job that I have had I sort of “made it my own”. Each person before me in the position did not do much with it. They rarely sought out training and rarely got out of the box. I always wanted to think about my position in a long-term fashion and it has worked for me. 


photo credit: A. Bryan 


The position that I have now (paralegal supervisor) has been my most challenging position ever. Not only am I assigned to my own attorneys, but I have a team to manage and cover. I am also still responsible for my growth which is where Chapter 3 Growing your Professional Equity comes into play. I know with each year passing by I ask myself “how do I keep growing, how do I stay relevant?” 

Christina and Grace said, “as you start focusing on building professional equity, let’s continue the analogy with this idea: think of yourself as a grow stock”. When I read that I thought, “oh okay. She said, “simply put, a growth stock is a company that is expected to increase in value at a faster than average rate. If you think of that stock as a person, it’s someone who is always looking to grow and develop and expand their career at a level significantly above average.” 

I have started this thought process already. I have been a supervisor for 4 years now and decided to branch out about 2 years ago into another program in the department. It is an extra duty on top of my current ones but provides SO much growth. I get to go to other districts, network with other supervisors on my team, and evaluate other offices. It has been such a rewarding aspect and a growth stock for my career. I recently decided to become an instructor at one of the departments biggest educational agency. At this very moment I am preparing a presentation regarding civil discovery for about 150 participants and will be teaching this presentation with another paralegal live! When I tell you this has challenged me in so many ways, I mean it! This presentation will also be recorded and saved to the department’s educational website. Which means my teaching will be a permanent video for other paralegals and attorneys to review year after year. Umm no pressure!!! I am also scheduled to be on a paralegal supervisory panel in September discussing our careers and ways to develop yourself in person in South Carolina. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley (Washington, D.C.) 


Another tip from Grace and Christina is, “when you think of yourself as a growth stock, it helps you get into the right frame of mind for driving professional success in the short and long term. As your stock rises, your company reaps the rewards of your performance. But just as important, you’re likely to experience a host of personal benefits, such as increased compensation, a greater ability to shape your role at the company, enhanced job security, and more opportunities to transition to a desirable role at a different company”. 

Christina and Grace also discuss equity. They said to think of it as value. They mention how to spot the equity players in your job. Equity players are promoted/selected for representation and messaging at company forums and meetings. They are often chosen to lead highly visible strategic company projects. They appear to get CEO, C-Suite, and board exposure. Are sought out behind the scenes by employees and peers for personal and professional opinions. They tend to advance quickly in role and scope; have input that carries weight and drives decisions or actions. Lastly, they are happy, energized and confident. 

If these individuals exist in your work environment, get to know them and how they tick. I hope you all have found these tips helpful. Our careers can shape our lives, but I think we can learn to build equity if we are strategic. 

Have a great week!





Tips from: Career Forward; Strategies from Women Who’ve Made it by Grace Puma and Christina Smith Shi- Chapter 3; page 32 

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Spring Plans for my Garden and Greenhouse



Hello Friends,

Whew we have had some 70-degree weather here and it has been great! Not having to carry a coat has made life feel lighter. I have been opening windows and letting the fresh air in. It has been so nice. It will also be nice to see our electric bill drop. I hate our bill in January and February. It is horribly expensive. 

I have also been going out and checking on my flowers and front garden. I am seeing little buds coming in on my lilac bush, roses, and trees. I have also been going into the greenhouse to check on things as well and I have some progress to report!


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


So in the month of February, I was starting to see some of my tulips coming up. I planted these in November in the greenhouse and so far, it is going very well. My dream is to create a flower cutting garden in my greenhouse. I want to be able to grow my own dream flowers. It will be flowers that I can never find in my local grocery store. 




My dream flower that has been on my Pinterest board for YEARS has been the parrot tulip and I am so happy to report that they are coming in beautifully! Oh, my goodness seeing these has made me so happy! I certainly hope that I can continue to grow these in my greenhouse. 



My other garden tulips are coming in nicely as well. In fact, they are thriving. I was not sure how they were going to do but they are doing quite well. I also have lots of seeds to plant too. I have some stock, delphinium, sweet peas, mint and a few others. Also, my raised beds just arrived from Home Depot. I will be putting these together in late April or early May. I want to get out of March first. We always have one last snow in March. It’s awful! 



A bouquet that I made from grocery store tulips.



A few months ago, I purchased the virtual course called, A Year of Cut Flowers from Create Academy and it has been a dream! I am in the spring section of the course, and it comes with a guide for each section. I would highly recommend taking this course. I have learned so much about soil, equipment, seeds, planting, and patience. I do hope that having my very own flower cutting garden in my greenhouse will come into fruition. 

At this very moment our show house is being put together and I got to meet with David with Allisonville Gardens. He is a designer at our show house and works in the gardens. I stopped him this week to ask him about my greenhouse and the goals that I wanted to accomplish. He said that we will chat later this month to come up with a plan and connect me with someone. Fingers crossed that a plan for my vision can be made. I will be sure to give an update when I can!

Have a great week! 



The Hunt for Quality Accessories



Good Morning Friends,

How is everyone doing? I have been trying to focus on my goals that I put in place this year and try to remind myself of who is in charge. And it is the Lord. That is where my heart is, and trust is still a part of my goals for life. 

This week we are celebrating a few birthdays. Lauren turned 20 on Monday, my stepson Ely will turn 25 on Thursday and my husband will be 50-something on Sunday!  I had brunch with my Guild girls last week and one of our friends brought in this beautiful strawberry cake that was so delicious! I got one for this week for us to enjoy for the birthday celebrations. 

Okay moving right into my hunt for quality accessories. I think that every couple of years I bring this up. Bogus shopping. I mentioned this post in 2019 and shared my thoughts again in 2023 as I learn to shop with discernment.  My desire to get better at this continues.

I was on the hunt recently for a quality leather bag. The Coach Empire Carryall 48 popped up in my feed. How? I am not sure, but I was smitten. Of course, I go to the website, and it is sold out. I then took to YouTube as I normally do to get a glimpse of it or watch an “honest opinion” video about it. That is where I found out that it went viral last year! I had no idea but here we are. I let it go but then had a feeling that I should go to my local Coach store just to see if I can take a peek and….



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I FOUND ONE! UNBELEIVELABLE! I walked right into my local Coach store and there she sat on the top shelf! I held it and then was going to leave it until I realized that it was the last one, the quality was phenomenal, it has Hermes Birkin vibes to it, and I just knew that it was going to age well. So, I purchased it and have no regrets. Now I am not interested in all of the charms that people are putting on theirs. I love a classic looking bag, so I ordered this elegant leather swan charm. It is suppose to arrive soon. I will let you all know if the quality is good when it arrives. 

I am also on the hunt for a cream leather bag. I ordered this tote from Caroline Hill and it is beautiful in person. It is not real leather, but the size and color are perfect for me. I will still continue my search for a leather cream bag because I think something classic, and genuine leather will stand the test of time. 





Silk scarves are always on the list. Lately I have been trying to purchase vintage designer scarves from all sorts of places. One of my favorite shops on Etsy is called Pure Scarf Vintage. It is where I purchased my vintage Dior scarf that I am wearing in this photo. You may be able to find some at consignment stores, Goodwill, and even antique stores. Right now, my silk scarf collection is wonderful. I even love the scarves that I have in my boutique. I think the elegance that they provide in your everyday look is essential. I don’t just wear them to the office. I wear them on the weekends as well. If you need scarf tying inspiration, take a look at Jamie Beck’s Instagram page.  I believe that as time goes on I will continue to grow this accessory in my wardrobe. There are a few scarves that will be replaced, and I might even make the collection smaller. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Next is jewelry. I have really been getting out of my element lately. I don’t know why but I have been drawn to different kinds of pieces. I was doing a search on Poshmark and this crocodile choker from Zara appeared in my feed. Now it looked like it was not my style, but the seller had it priced at $25 and I thought, why not! So I ordered it and it is quite beautiful in person. I wore it to the office and my goodness; I was not expecting so many compliments! I did find something similar on Amazon for the same price. Finding unique jewelry pieces has been on my radar in the last few years. I think having pieces that no one has that are classic, and different will set your wardrobe apart. 



Here is another unique jewelry piece. This is a gold leopard bracelet that I purchased from Garland Bags. I found this shop in Instagram and love their sophisticated designs. 



I wanted to share these gloves before it got really warm. Gloves are another item that I am trying to bring quality to. I found these on Amazon.  When I heard Nathan Rollison mention his story about the gloves that he purchased over 10 years ago it inspired me to look into this accessory and buy better quality gloves. I shared my long opera gloves a few months ago and cannot stop wearing those either. They are so beautiful! 

Now because I am going through my closet and I am beginning to post items for sale on my Poshmark closet. You are more than welcome to make an offer on any of the items. Thank you so much for reading and let me know how your quest for quality is going. 



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February Favorites ~ 2025




Well this felt like the shortest month ever! February always feels this way. We are celebrating our 21-year wedding anniversary this week. Lauren will be 20 next week! Can you believe it? Good gosh! I have a 20-year-old. We are already preparing for her junior year in the fall. It’s crazy how time is flying.

For Valentine’s Day, my husband and I went to St. Elmo’s. It was our first time, and I have to say that the food was really good. I was hoping that it would live up to the hype and it did. He also got me some lavender roses from Grace Rose Farms. Watching these open for the week was truly a treat.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 



First on my list is the new Aerin Lauder vanity collection. This collection is inspired by 19th century Italian decor.  I am in LOVE but it is a little pricey. I have it on my wishlist so we will see. 


photo credit: Aerin/ Instagram 







My second favorite are these cherry blossom trees from Amazon. I saw Nitra B. share these on her Instagram page and I had to take a risk and order them. They are a DREAM! I love them so much! I ordered two. One for my office and one for home. I love them and I am now on the hunt for some blue and white planters to place them in. 



My third favorite has been a pleasant surprise. Lydia Millen mentioned these faux collars that she ordered. Now I have seen these before but never thought about trying one. I have a few dresses that I have to use a brooch to close up the chest part because I feel like it is a bit too low. I decided to go ahead and give these a try and all I can say is WOW! They are a perfect fit for my dresses and look so elegant on. 





Oh my goodness! I am loving these spring scents from Bath and Body Works. I purchased the springtime greenhouse, backyard honeysuckle, and white cucumber & mint. I am looking forward to using them this spring season. 




I saw these gorgeous floral ginger vases and jars and HomeGoods a few days ago and had to grab one. Check your local store. They may not last long. 




photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 



These wonderful yogurt cups have been a wonderful luxury to my life. I add my favorite yogurt, granola, blueberries and pumpkin seeds and I am in heaven. If you love yogurt but want to add your favorite toppings to it, you should definitely try these cups! 




Now it has taken me years and I mean YEARS to find a shelf that would fit in the corner of my garden tub and this one seems to work. I wanted something to store all of my products near the tub and it has been so hard trying to find something. This stackable shelf from Amazon has worked wonderfully and keeps everything where I need it. 



Now I don’t know about you, but I love a good “What’s in my Bag” video. I recently saw Nicholas with this new bag in one of his vlogs and was dying to know what it was. In this video he finally shares it. I love being inspired to buy quality items and to be expose to beauty and elegance. That is one of the things that I love about vlogs. The exposure that you get from another person’s world. 

I hope you all enjoyed my finds for this month. I have been planning to post a video to my YouTube channel for about a month now, but have not gotten around to filming the intro. I will do that soon. Take care! 


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Overcoming Hesitations- Living with Quality



Good Morning Everyone,

I have recently been having some “feelings about things”. I have been having this “feeling of quality” or a desire for quality which explains my title for this week’s blog post.

It could be the books that I am reading, the old movies that I am watching, but I am having this desire for beauty and quality. Have you ever had that? You are in a store, and you are looking at something. The price is great, but the quality of the item does not satiate that desire that you have. I have had this feeling multiple times when buying bags, jewelry, furniture, flowers, I mean you name it. It has been happening in some of my current shopping experiences. 

I can’t explain it but while I am out and about I have this feeling of things needing to be better and it could be society that is bringing on these thoughts, but I just want better. I used to be afraid of wanting better but not anymore. That fear is slowly leaving my emotions. 


photo credit: Instagram


I purchased this book sometime last year. It is an eBook that unfortunately it is not available right now. There was a section in the book that inspired the title of this blog post. The author Miranda stated, “I understand that the thought of using tableware can be a bit dauting. There is often a fear of mishandling or misplacing something so steeped in history and value. But here’s the thing- these pieces were crafted to be admired and used, not just displayed. And you deserve to use them to create extraordinary moments in your life”. 

I don’t care how much something costs or how “fancy” it is use it! 



That is why I continue to live the way I do. This is my newest FBMP purchase! It is a vintage or antique wardrobe. I believe it is from the 1950s. It is sold and the maker is Hickory Manfacturing Company since 1911. The company is known for their high quality craftmanship and timeless designs. This wardrobe is a solid piece, and I cannot wait to put it to use. I gasped when I saw it on FBMP. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley



The photo above is my kitchen counter. I recently purchased this bust from HomeGoods and the plate is from an antique store. It is Limoges china. I now know that I have a deep passion for elegant things and elegant living. I can’t seem to separate it from any part of my life. When I styled this counter and stood back and looked at it, I just smiled. I am overcoming hesitations. Why not have antiques in your kitchen!


My sitting room currently.


Another tidbit that Miranda mentioned in her book in regard to her tableware was, ” Antique tableware is not merely a collection of objects, it is a tapestry with history, art and legacy. These pieces carry an elegance and sophistication that modern items seldom capture. They hold the power to transform a simple meal into a grand affair, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. In a world where everything feels so transient, these antiques offer a tangible connection to the past- a bridge to bygone eras of charm and elegance”. 

I could not agree more. I think that this quote from Miranda can be used in every item in our lives. Our furniture, china, clothes, shoes, accessories. I want my life as a whole to be a tapestry. Everything should be connected to elegance and sophistication. It should be made of quality. I really want to live a life with quality and for my life to be quality. What are your thoughts on quality? Do you seek it as well? 

To read more about Miranda here is a blog post about her on Maison Carlyle. Also let me know in the comments below if you purchased her eBook! 


Want to hear someone express how important quality is? Just listen to the current owner of Hermes express his thoughts on quality. It’s truly inspiring!






Inspiration for Simple Luxuries at Work




Can it really be the middle of February? I still can’t believe that Valentine’s Day is this Friday. I told my husband that I only wanted a book and that was it. I don’t have a lot on my list this year.

I hope everyone is doing well. I am still reading my goals and listening to some great podcasts in the mornings while I am driving to my office. I had to share something that I listen to recently and it made me think that maybe I needed to update my list.

Now I have shared new things that I have purchased for my office in the last few years, and they are scattered in the many blog posts that I have so I thought I needed to combine everything into a current post of what my offices look like today.

Now I have two. I have an office downtown for my regular job, and I have an office at home for the blog, home life, the boutique, and my telework days. I love learning from other women what things they have added to their lives in order to bring about elegance to it. Especially with everything going on in our worlds now. I listen to Kaylee Hackney’s podcast called “Simple Ways to Add Luxury to your Workday” and I thought that I would share her list so that maybe we all can get some inspiration for our spaces.

First on her list is gourmet coffee. Now I am not a coffee drinker, but I do love my teas and I have shared my favorite tea which is Harney’s and my vanilla chai tea that I buy from Kroger. I did get a Nespresso machine and talk about lux! I love that thing, and it does start off my morning in luxury!



This is my morning luxury. My vanilla chai tea and foam oatmilk that I am pouring into Royal Albert Old Country Roses teacup and saucer.  Use your best at work if you can.




Her second item was fresh flowers. Of course! These are always a part of my luxury items for work and if you have not tried having these around you by now then take a leap! They are so affordable at the grocery store and sometimes on clearance! Give this lux a chance seriously! 

Now her third idea was a flameless candle. Now I have not considered this, but this sounds like a great idea! I love a little light in my office. I have lamps around but if space is an issue, then this could be a great lux idea! I saw these on Amazon as well as these and these

Next up is a standing desk. Now I have not thought of these either but what a great idea. I have had one of these before but the one I had a work was much heavier. This one here looks like a great option! 





Of course, I could not forget a wonderful and comfortable office chair! You all know that I purchased this last year and have no regrets. As you know there are several on Amazon. I did find these for only $65! This is my current office now. I enjoy it so much!



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


A simple luxury for work that you may have not thought about are pens and pads. I cannot tell you how important these items are if you work in an office setting. Having great working pens and notepads at your figure tips is a great luxury. I purchased these notepads and pens from Amazon and love them both. These pens are blue ink! My favorite! I love blue ink. Don’t forget about these sophisticated clipboards from Notiq as well as the pen cases. I have both! 

Another item that I just got for my office is the space heater. She mentions it in her list and she is right! Having this for this season of winter has been a game changer. My office is so cold in the mornings. I just hit my remote control for my heater and warmth comes my way. It’s a luxury for sure. 





We cannot forget about cord organizers. I just got these from Amazon and they work magnificently. I got a pack of ten so that I can use them in my office, car and home. She mentions noise cancelling headphones in her blog post. I have never tried these before but may consider them for traveling. I do love my ear buds for listening to my favorite podcasts. She also mentions artwork and I could not agree more. I would just recommend buying what you love and buy quality. A lamp for your desk is a must. I have two lamps in my office and love having them both. I love Jonathan Y lamps and purchased this one about 3 years ago. There are so many more things that I could add to this list. A few more items of work luxury would be a wonderful work tote, stapler (I love this one), or get a set for your desk. You will be amazed at what this will do for you work life.

I hope everyone enjoyed these tips and I certainly enjoyed Kaylee’s podcast. If you have a moment, you should listen to her podcast. You can also read her blog post and find more inspiring ideas for your lux office. Life is short, make it beautiful! 



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