Beauty While Dating

Honestly and truly I am so glad I am married! Good gosh some of the horror stories I hear from men and women about how it is in the single world. It’s enough to make you want to re-think dating and even marrying! I hate to say that but it’s a rude, disgusting world out there.

I still can’t believe how nasty women have gotten. It still shocks me! Well, as you can already see I have some more tips from my fav author on how to have poise and mystery while dating.

“When you dress beautifully, behave graciously, and exude class wherever you go, people will notice. You will be intriguing to those who also care about these things. With your excellent manners and grace, you will automatically weed out all of the potential suitors who are, well, not suitable”. 

photo credit website

~ Always present your authentic self. Never hide things or pretend to be someone you are not in order to impress a man.

~ Dress alluringly, yet tastefully. You should feel both comfortable and stylish in your clothes. You want him to focus on you, not your cleavage, so don’t feel the need to lure him that way. Your intelligence and natural beauty is enough!
photo credit Sinclair & Moore

~ Discuss interesting things such as your favorite books, films, and places to travel. Get an idea of what common interests you share. 

~ Never feel pressured to do anything you are not comfortable with. 

~If he insists on paying, accept graciously, but be sure to treat him to something down the line, whether it’s lunch the next week or a meal you make for him.

~ On the first date maintain your air of mystery. He doesn’t need to know your entire dating history or why the last guy jilted you. These things can come out later, but for the first date, keep it light. 

~ We all know first dates can be nerve-racking, but don’t get drunk! Keep your wits about you and never go over the limit of how much alcohol you can tolerate. 

~ Avoid expressing your emotions online or in texts. Be respectful of what you share about your new beau on social media.

~ If you really like him, let him know. There is no need to play silly games. Remember, you are a catch! He will most likely be thrilled to have snagged such a poised lady.

~ Take your time. Just as you’d savor a delicious feast, savor the romance and how it unfolds. Don’t rush things. This is the most magical time in the relationship!

I hope you enjoyed these tips! I know I have! Even though I have been married for 13 years I can still use some of these reminders. 
(text via Jennifer L. Scott)