Feminine Pursuits

Last month I shared that I am reading a book called Thirty Chic Days~ Practical Inspiration for a Beautiful Life and I am still enjoying this book. Last week I was reading a section of the book called “enjoying feminine pursuits” and in this section, the author Fiona talked about feminine pursuits or past-times that she loves to include in her life.

That got me thinking….. hmmm do I have any feminine pursuits that I enjoy? Well of course I do! So I decided to share my list of my favorite feminine things to do.

* Goodwill shopping ~ I love looking for great skirts and shirts to add to my wardrobe. See my blog post here about my thrift store shopping.

My blouse and skirt are from the thrift store.

* Playing the piano ~ I take lessons every Monday! See my blog post here about my lessons

* Buying flowers and flower arranging ~ Shocker, I think not!

My weekend flower loot!

* Reading

* Watching old movies. See my favorites here.

* Manicures and pedicures

* Hearing influential women speak about life, failures, and careers

* Having tea with friends. See my post here about that. 

* Collecting silver and learning about it. See my blog post here about that. 

* Wearing perfume. See my blog post here about my favorites.

* Collecting blue and white plates. I have a serious problem… but I love the way they look.

The blue and white plates I found at T.J. Maxx last month along with some of my other goodies.

* Wearing pink and red fingernail polish. There is just something so chic about those colors. 

* Wearing big curls in my hair every day! I love it! 

* Volunteer work. I recently volunteered as a fashion counselor for the Dress for Success program at my office! Yeah!

* Listening to my little girl every morning talk to me about life. 

* Before leaving my office making sure my daily to-do list for the next morning is complete. I hate coming to the office and not having my day planned. Drives me nuts!

And last but certainly not least, praying on a regular basis (sometimes hourly if I am truly disturbed) and working on my finance spreadsheet every other Wednesday. You should know what your monthly finances are. 

I hope you enjoyed this list. Keeping your goals and dreams in front of your mind is always helpful and will help you stay the course. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)
6 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,
    I loved your list, it made me think about my 'list'. The one thing we really have in common is curls in our hair……I have always admired your hair style. How do you style your hair? Is it all one length?

    Oh, and definitely old movies.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Ms. Kathleen. My hair is cut in layers. The front is a little shorter than the back. I use rod rollers in my hair at night so I don't have to use the curling iron.

      And aren't old movies the best? Thank you again for stopping by and chatting!

    • Gramspearls
      Gramspearls says:

      I have changed the way I do my hair and it is a bit like yours. I bought a hard bonnet table top hair dryer from the 60's, on eBay. I wet set my hair with no products. It is shiny and full of body and undamaged. I put it in a high ponytail to sleep in and the curl lasts for days. Sometimes the old ways are the best.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      I completely agree! I have had this same hair style for over 10 years. Now there are times I want to try something new but then I think why? This has worked for me for so long and I love it.

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