July Favorites

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I wish I had more time. I have already decided that once December gets here I am taking off that week of Christmas. I want to spend time at home. I think that would be nice. 

Well let’s go ahead and dive right into my July favorites for this year. First is this fruit infused pitcher that I picked up at T.J. Maxx. I found it online at Target if you are interested. I look forward to putting fruit in this every week along with some herbs maybe. We will see what concoction I can come up with. 

Second on my list was a special day this month where I got to entertain. My husband and I don’t have guests over often but we have been trying to work on that. This past month we had a couple over for a simple dinner. We ordered pizza and I made a salad and picked up some cherry turnovers at the bakery. Everything was delicious and it was so simple! I also LOVED having my jasmine on the table. It smelled so wonderful!
Third on my list was this vignette of beauty. You guys know that I can’t get enough of my new dresser but I found it really extraordinary when I had it filled with flowers. I was moving some things around and had to get these out of the way so I placed them on my dresser. When I turned I saw this. My heart just began to sing. It was soooo beautiful to me. So simple yet so pleasing. 

Fourth on my list is the blue and white collection at H&M. When I walked by and saw these I shrieked! So fantastic! I had to purchase this dress and this one. If you love this collection then head to your local store soon. These dresses will not last. Trust me!
And finally, last on my list is my straw raffia tote. I already wrote about this on the blog. See here if you missed it. Right now it is on sale for $23! Hurry and grab one if you are interested. 

I hope that you all were able to get some goodies from this post. Please let me know in the comments section if I should continue this every month. I do love sharing my favorites and I hope you enjoy seeing them too!

Thanks for reading!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    My goodness you were right abou those dresses. The lighter blue is sold out! I can see why. Yes, please continue to do a favorites blog post. I live far out from a lot of the shops I would love to go. So, I often shop online from your recommendations. I love that you had a simple no stress dinner with the other couple. I often feel pressured to make an elegant meal, and that limits me to inviting people over. I will have to try something simple as you did and maybe have more people over.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      Thank you for stopping by as always! Yes those dress sold out quickly but if you have a H&M near by I would go in the store. My store actually still had some so if you can get to a location I would check there. Oh gosh you shop off of my recommendations? Oh wow, now I really feel pressure! But thank you Mya for your support.

      And lastly, you are not the only one who feels pressure from entertaining. I have to tell myself, "not every meal has to be a roast chicken or salmon". The pizza was great. They loved the salad and we enjoyed each other's company. That's all that matters in the end.

  2. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    Good morning! My husband and I are taking a long weekend in southwestern New York with friends. In an earlier blog post of yours, we discussed using more of our time off, not just letting our unused days accumulate! I decided to take next Monday off as a day to leisurely unpack and do things around the home, instead of rushing back to work. You will love those extra days around Christmastime. What's a typical weekday off look like for you?

    Kelsie – gar0190

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Kelsie!
      So glad to hear that you are using your time off! Taking time off and enjoying your life is so essential. I noticed that when I have not had a break I get really cranky and don't want to be there.
      When we returned from Florida I took an extra day off as well. I don't return to work immediately. I have to get emotional ready to return there. For a typical day off, if my daughter is in school, I will come home from dropping her off, make myself a nice breakfast and watch the local news. After that I will check on the blog, make a few notes, do a few chores and then visit an antique store or Ann Taylor. My Ann Taylor is so far away now. It's a treat if I can go. Then I come home make a nice lunch, read, light some candles and enjoy my quiet time until I have to pick up my daughter. That's a typical off day for me. I hope you enjoy yours!

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