Pending Plans

Good Morning,

Sighing….. I have become antsy these last several weeks. Being quarantine has not been fun but I know it has been necessary and with Covid still spreading I feel like wanting to leave my state is a crime. 

At first, my husband and I decided that we were not going to go anywhere for vacation. He does not want to wear a mask and I don’t want to worry. But then I remember how our daughter has never been to an amusement park. 

We took her to Disney in 2013 but she has never been to Kings Island or Kentucky Kingdom. She has never been on a roller coaster and has been craving to experience one for a while now. 

So we began making plans to take her to Kings Island. We planned on arriving early, spending the day there, and then getting a room for the night at a nearby hotel. In the morning we were going to get up and head to the nearby outlet mall. 

Now I do not intend on riding any roller coasters. Been there done that, no interest. It’s about Lauren getting her experience. I hate roller coasters!

That was going to be the extent of our trip. Well, then my step-son mentioned the Biltmore. He really enjoyed it and wanted to revisit! Shocker to me! I would have never thought he would have liked that place. Too old and stuffy, quite not. Since he is starting his second year in college and is studying architecture he has become enamored with structures. 

So here we are adding the Biltmore to our trip! We went to the Biltmore in 2016, see herehere, and here. I loved it and certainly didn’t think we would be back so soon. 

Also, I also planned on visiting this place again for antiquing. I absolutely loved it. 

This place has been added to our list. It’s called Looking Glass Falls. It’s a huge waterfall that you can walk up to and swim in. I don’t plan on swimming but hope to find a rock nearby and just take in the scenery. 

Apparently, North Carolina has about 60 waterfalls around. That’s quite a bit. I also looked into taking a tour in a hot air balloon! But after seeing those prices….. no thanks.

Well, these are our plans so far. We will see how things go. I don’t know if the world is going to fall apart again so I am being very open to that. I hope a second quarantine doesn’t happen but you never know. 

Enjoy your day! Also, let me know if you have any summer plans. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

6 replies
  1. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    What a tricky summer for vacations. In mid-June, we had a week-long trip planned to Holden Beach, North Carolina. Unfortunately, it was cancelled due to everything going on. We are now considering another (smaller) trip in September somewhere else, but do not know where things will stand with the virus. As a pre-teen, I visited the Biltmore with my parents and younger sister. We walked around and added on an extra rooftop tour. (Not sure if that is still offered). What a surprise that your stepson is interested in visiting again! Will you try to go this summer?


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Kelsie,
      That's no fun that you had to cancel. We will see how ours goes. As of right now we plan on leaving the week of the 13th of this month. I am not sure how this will go. I told my husband that I am making backup plans just in case we have to cancel. I still plan on taking off a week. There are a few new antique and vintage stores that I would love to visit. We also have a few farmers markets scheduled here in Indy. I have been trying to find things to do for my daughter but it is really tough! She is not outdoorsy and I can't seem to find any camps that she is interested in.

    • Kelsie
      Kelsie says:

      Yes, use your days off even if your trip falls through. For some reason, I gave back the vacation days I planned to use for North Carolina and worked that week. Now I have 23 PTO days to use before the end of the year! Since I've been working from home, I haven't been taking the occasional day off and it shows, lol!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Oh Kelsie I hope you take those days off. Please enjoy your time. I know working from home can cause you to think differently because you are not in the office. Trust me I completely forgot about my vacation days but now since they are trying to get us to return I have gotten myself back into routine. I hope you get to take your vacation soon.

  2. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley,

    That sounds like a lovely getaway that gives your daughter some freedom to be a teenager. I know it's been really hard for our children-playgrounds are closed, no playdates, no school. The zoo and aquarium are closed. And outlet shopping? That's always a fun adventure. You never know what you may find.

    I remember the posts you did on the Biltmore a few years back. Like your step-son, I truly appreciate architecture and go places simply to observe the architecture and the history behind it. When you and your family return to D.C. , you must take him to the National Cathedral. I can never go enough. And there is a lovely garden called the Bishops Garden that you would love, with a cafe where you can enjoy the garden. Look it up sometime. I hope the Shockley's are able to enjoy some time away this summer!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hey Mya!
      It has been so hard for the kids. It seems like they never leave the house! I hope that we can return to D.C. I was suppose to be there in May but that trip got canceled. Then they re-scheduled it for August but now that has been canceled. No fun but I understand. I will definitely look into those locations that you mentioned. They sound wonderful. I hope you and your family can get away soon as well.

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