How I Romanticize my Life Daily


Good Morning Everyone!

Busy, busy I have been. Lauren is home this week for spring break and we are just trying to keep things simple. I have been trying to pay attention to my daily life and look at what is working for me and what is not. Organizing my home and life has not been easy. Lots of things are being purged and lots of small changes have happened. In the mist of these changes, I have been also trying to keep things beautiful in my life. 

I was recently inspired by a video that I watched. There have been a few influencers who recently shared ways that they are romanticize their daily lives and I thought I would share my list as well.

First are my morning walks. I can’t tell you how these have become so important to me. I started these walks in 2020 during the height of the pandemic. I felt a need to get out and get fresh air and try to capture my emotions and put things into perspective. I am still doing that and need these walks to listen to podcasts, talk with God, and lay out my dreams. It also gives me the opportunity to see flowers, and watch the sun rise. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The second is pouring myself a vanilla latte at the office every morning, and using my fine china. I LOVE doing this! I had a co-worker who came in after my oatmilk finished in my frother and she saw me pour this into my china cup and she said, “you treat yourself so well”. Now that comment struck me. I thought, “this is treating myself well”? Really, this is something that I do every day and I don’t give it any thought, but she did and at that moment I knew that I was blessed. 



Third is making my bed. I cannot leave my house without doing this. Having a well-made bed speaks volumes to me when I come home. After a long day at the office, I head upstairs to my bedroom to drop things off and seeing my bed made and waiting for me is a beautiful way and relaxing way to end my day. 



Along with seeing my well-made bed, making myself a pitcher of lemon and cucumber water has been another way of romanticizing myself. It is so refreshing and delicious. I have had a glass almost every night while watching Designing Women from 1986!



Fifth is setting a beautiful yet simple tablescape. I love seeing a beautiful set table every day. Having this brings beauty into my life and gives me the opportunity to use my best. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


Sixth is and you should not be a shock but fresh flowers. I have shared multiple bouquets on my website. I don’t think that I need to explain how buying yourself a bouquet (even if it’s from the grocery store) is a beautiful way to romanticize your life! Please try it. You will not regret it. 



Seventh are candles. Lighting candles in the evenings or in the mornings when I have teatime brings me such solace. I loving smelling my favorite candles while reading a book, writing in my journal, or sipping a cup of hot tea. 



And the last items are art museums, ballets, and classical music. I always try to schedule beautiful events in my life to romanticize myself. There is an upcoming event called Art in Bloom that I want to go and see. I also calendar the ballets and other events to make sure that I can schedule a time to seek the arts. I also set my alarm to classical music. It makes me smile when I hear it in the mornings. 

I hope that you have gained some inspiration from this post. Add small things in your life that fit with your character to bring about beauty. Life is so very short. Enjoy your best!


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