Weekly Beauty Inspiration ~ LABL Book (2)


Hello Everyone,

It’s Friday… the last full week of September. I am a little sad. I love September. It’s still warm and it’s a welcome month to autumn. Next week here in Indy, we will have some days where it will only be a high of 50 degrees! I am so excited. I am hoping for some rain but the drop in temperature helps with the plants. 

So on to today’s post. Most of you learned last week that I was going to be sharing little tidbits from the book that I am currently reading called Living a Beautiful Life.  I am in the middle of Chapter 2 which is called “Creating Something Special Out of the Ordinary” and I think the title pretty much speaks for itself. 

These words from Alexandra stuck out to me and I highlighted them. “Much of enjoying life is in the details- the larger issues have a way of working themselves out. Handling daily tasks well and thoroughly affects how we feel, our happiness, and the overall quality of our lives”. 

“The outside world can seem troublesome, dangerous, uncertain (boy is that so true right now). Frustrated by the difficulty of making a difference, (a lot of us are in this boat right now) we find it hard to grasp how we can effect change and make the world a better place in which to live. One’s home is a personal space of refuge. 

“By creating beauty and order where you live and work you will be controlling the private hours of your life”. 

I found this so interesting that she wrote this in 1986 and how this information is so fitting for right now. 

I want to close this post with this last suggestion from Alexandra… ” when you feel that the little things in your life are satisfying and speak especially to you, it’s amazing how outside pressures and disappointments loosen their hold. Intimate, necessary details add up to one’s private life. Select them with care because they are your life”.

I hope you all enjoyed today’s inspiring post. To read last week’s see here.

On Monday I will be sharing my September favorites and I have a pretty long list. Also, I am taking Monday off from work and will be going to get a pedicure and I want to look for some vintage earrings. Enjoy your weekend!

(photos via Pinterest)