The Residence ~Inside the Private World of The White House

I always like to share books that I am reading. I also like to hear what everyone else is reading. When you find out what someone is reading it exposes their mind, will and emotions at that time. It some what explains where they are. For me I am have been so curious about the White House.

Ever since our visit last year (see here and here if you missed it) I have been wanting to see the inside of the historical home. I must admit I didn’t know much about the home but now that I am getting older I am very curious about how it runs and who works there.

The book that I am reading is called The Residence ~ Inside the Private World of The White House. My husband and I spotted it in Barnes & Noble a few months ago. I opened it and began to read about Hillary Clinton. I was astonished and surprised about what I read. I just began the first chapter. The introduction was pretty long itself.

They talked about some of the presidents, JKF, Obama, Bush, etc. I found it very interesting to read from some of the staff that the Bushes were very personable and friendly and how there was a “separation” between the Obama’s and the staff. Some of the staff said that they could “feel” it. It wasn’t that the Obama’s were rude. They were just very private people even in The White House.

My copy at home
Another story that I found interesting was how Hillary Clinton would move items and furniture between all the floors and would not tell the curators where she moved things. So it would take them months to find items that she moved. She would move lamps at 2 a.m. in the morning! 

I like to use postcards as bookmarks. I picked these up at the Library of Congress this past June. See here if you missed that post. 
As I stated before, I just began the first chapter and I am sure that I will learn much more about The White House. I look forward to reading about all stories, the home and the staff. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)
2 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,

    Good Morning. I read that book a few months ago and found it so interesting! I was impressed that the author was able to garner that much information from the staff. Some of the information was unexpected and some I was pleased to read. What interesting relationships were formed. I ended up reading parts to my husband, I just had to share! I wish we could have tea and a mini book discussion (I didn't know anyone who had read it!). I really enjoyed the book.
    Good choice.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Kathleen,
      Oh that would be wonderful to sit down have tea and discuss the book! I am enjoying it so far. I loved the part that I read yesterday about how the Kennedy's would scamper to each other's rooms through the night. That was great! I have also been reading some of it to my husband too! I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has read it! Thank you!

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