The Residence ~Inside the Private World of The White House

I always like to share books that I am reading. I also like to hear what everyone else is reading. When you find out what someone is reading it exposes their mind, will and emotions at that time. It some what explains where they are. For me I am have been so curious about the White House.

Ever since our visit last year (see here and here if you missed it) I have been wanting to see the inside of the historical home. I must admit I didn’t know much about the home but now that I am getting older I am very curious about how it runs and who works there.

The book that I am reading is called The Residence ~ Inside the Private World of The White House. My husband and I spotted it in Barnes & Noble a few months ago. I opened it and began to read about Hillary Clinton. I was astonished and surprised about what I read. I just began the first chapter. The introduction was pretty long itself.

They talked about some of the presidents, JKF, Obama, Bush, etc. I found it very interesting to read from some of the staff that the Bushes were very personable and friendly and how there was a “separation” between the Obama’s and the staff. Some of the staff said that they could “feel” it. It wasn’t that the Obama’s were rude. They were just very private people even in The White House.

My copy at home
Another story that I found interesting was how Hillary Clinton would move items and furniture between all the floors and would not tell the curators where she moved things. So it would take them months to find items that she moved. She would move lamps at 2 a.m. in the morning! 

I like to use postcards as bookmarks. I picked these up at the Library of Congress this past June. See here if you missed that post. 
As I stated before, I just began the first chapter and I am sure that I will learn much more about The White House. I look forward to reading about all stories, the home and the staff. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Why I Wear Glitter Shoes

When November arrives I always begin to pull out my glitter heels. Some people have given me a hard time in the past for wearing them. I don’t know why but they do.

I think it is because they associate glitter heels with Christmas only. You are only allowed to wear them on Christmas Day and to parties only. Well, if you have not learned something about me yet then you will learn that I am not going to bow to what people believe that I should do.

I start to wear my glitter heels the second week of November like clock work every year. I love some of the reactions that I get from the little girls. Ohhhh, they love it! Especially when I am standing in line, they just smile at me. It is the best!

For the most part, women just stare at them and you can see a slight smile or glimmer in their eyes when I walk by. 

If you have a pair of glitter heels WEAR THEM! I wear mine to the office with a nice blouse, skirt and maybe a brooch or some pearls. You can make them really chic with the right outfit. 
Here is my collection so far. All of them are comfortable and most of them are from Payless!! I paid under $40 for each pair. 
I just want to encourage people to wear what you have and stop worrying about people. The truth is they are going to talk about you anyway. So just continue with your life and be elegant!
If you wish to read my past post about glitter heels, see here and here. Enjoy!

(photos via Pinterest and Mrs. Shockley)

Plans for the Holidays ~ 2017

My favorite time of the year is upon us and also my busy time. But it is always a joy scheduling my yearly holiday to-do’s on my calendar. I look forward to putting up all my Christmas trees, picking up my poinsettias from Costco, booking my lunch at the Ayres Tea Room, going to the ballet with my daughter to see the Nutcracker and buying beautiful Christmas sweaters and accessories for the season. It is always a good time of the year….

To see previous post about my trees, read it here.

My new blue and white ornaments on my white Christmas tree.
See here to read about those. 
My poinsettia from Costco last year! Love!!!
See my post last year about it.

The Ayres Tea Room 
See my blog post here about that.
My daughter and I at the ballet to see the Nutcracker.
Read my post here about that. 
My glitter sweater and shoes from last year. I have found some new goodies for this season!
I will share those soon.
To read this blog post from last year click here.

If any of you have some yearly Christmas plans that you would like to share I would love to hear them. Just comment below.

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, another year has came and is passing. I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is next month! My goodness! I still have to get my last items on my Thanksgiving list and my Christmas shopping is almost done! Just a few more gift cards and that is all.
I will be taking next week off to get ready for Thanksgiving. I hope to be back the following week with some shopping goodies and to talk about a new book I am reading. I hope you all enjoy your holiday and enjoy our families!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

(photos via Pinterest)

Simple Glamour at Banana Republic

It’s that time….. I think we all know it. You either love it or hate it. The Holidays…. for me I love it especially since it is sweater season. Love all of the posh sweaters that are surfacing this year. I stopped by Banana Republic to see what goodies were out this season and found a few that were very nice.

This was so lovely in person!
They are sold out of my size already. Darn! 
Great Christmas gift for that young woman you know….
I saw this in person and loved it!
I wanted to go back and have another peek. There were a few things that I wanted to get pictures of but we will see. I hope that you enjoy some of these ideas. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Elegant Antiquing at Midland

This past Friday was Veterans Day and our office had the day off. Thank you to all the veterans who have served this country! I do appreciate your service! My husband served in the military for about 8 years so I do understand some of the hardships that come with it.

With the day off my daughter at school and my husband working, I decided to take the day and go antiquing and finish up my Christmas shopping. One of the ladies that I volunteer with at Dress for Success told me about this wonderful antique store. But what I did not know was how big it was!

It was massive and quite extraordinary. One of the best antique stores I have seen….

Beautiful vintage rugs everywhere…

Pretty vases for great prices! This one was only $28 and hand-painted!

Large blue and white urns

Of course exquisite china!

Vintage gold door knocker. Gosh, I still want this! Look at the price!

UPDATE: I went back and purchased it! Yeah me!

These were extraordinary. Only $265 for the pair!

Love vintage screens!

 This piece was so substantial. I could see it in my home!

Art was everywhere….

Love the gilded mirror and toparies….

Chinoiserie inspired screens 

Loved this buffet….

Hitchcock Round Pedestal Table

Color rich pillows….

There were two of these….

Adore this blue and white lamp. Only $52!

I want this at the end of our bed….

Vintage chandeliers everywhere….

Details, details….

I left with this vase. It was only $15 and hand-painted. I am going to take it to the office. 
I really enjoyed this place and will be going back to visit soon. If you wish to visit their website you may see it here. It was a great day off!!!
Here is my small video of the chandeliers.

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

A Paris All Your Own ~ Part 2

This past September I discussed a new book called A Paris All Your Own and I shared a few snippets from the book that were my favorites. I ended that post by saying that I would come back with the last few stories to discuss those as well.

Well I have finished the book and as promised I will discuss a few of the stories that I enjoyed. The next story that I read and found it quite interesting was called “My Paris Dreams” by M.J. Rose. Her story had a bit more romance in it than the others.

She talked about her first visit there. “I was fourteen the first time I visited Paris, staying with my parents at the Ritz hotel in Place Vendome. In the bathroom, water poured from the mouths of gold swan faucets. On the bed was a duvet filled with down feathers, softer and far more luxurious than my wool blanket at home”. 

She went on to discuss her imaginary love affair with the elevator boy….. “why walk when you could glide up and down in an old -fashioned gilded cage, an elevator complete with a white-gloved attendant? And especially when that attendant was young and, to me, exceptionally attractive…… I can picture him still, all these years later. He was tall and gangly, with fair skin and black hair. And he had a mole high on his left cheekbone……When we stepped into the elevator, and during the ride down, he always stared straight ahead. Never spoke. Never made eye contact with any of us…….

I noticed the panel. Realized I could see his reflection. And then became aware that he was looking at me. Instantly and completely, I fell in love. Why we fall in love is often a mystery…..

I can certainly see that. I have done that once before. I was about 12 and was at the YMCA during my summer. There was a boy there by the name of “Dre” his nickname I never knew his real name but we were playing softball and he was in the outfield with me. I turned and looked at him. He was about my height, light-skinned, curly black hair and had he clearest skin for a boy that I had ever seen. All I knew was that I was suddenly in love. So crazy……

Now back to the story. Years later she went back to Paris for work. Every night after work she would gather with her client and friends for drinks. One of the people that she would gather with was a filmmaker by the name of Jacques who spoke excellent English and had dirty blond hair, dark blue eyes and always wore a motorcycle jacket, black scarf, white T-shirt and black jeans. When he drank he only ordered champagne.

Jacques took her around the city to see many different things….. “After descending the broken steps, we walked through an archway into another world. A wilderness. The sounds of traffic from the Champs-Elysees were gone, magically replaced by bird calls and splashing water. Maples, lilacs, bamboo, vines heavy with wisteria, perfumed the air with a heady sweet, peppery scent. We were lost in green. Awash in nature. There in the middle of Pairs we’d found an overgrown garden, magnificent in it’s obsolescence.”

“Orange and lemon trees scented the air. A bird whistled. The stream rushed by. We wandered on the twisting path.”

“We ate the crusty bread, soft cheese, and ripe fruit and drank the champagne. As we sat and looked out at the Seine, clouds rolled across the sky and a storm blew in. When the rain came, we huddled beneath a broad chestnut tree, the water releasing the leaves’ sweet smell. We watched the swans swim by, as untroubled by the rain as we were. 

“They mate for life”, Jacques said. For a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me, and I wondered if I’d taste the wine on his lips……..

Does she end up with Jacques? Well you’ll have to find out yourself. I just wanted to share more from this book. It was a really good read and I did enjoy it. The last story that I enjoyed was “Paris Alone” by Maggie Shipstead. She talked about her days in Paris alone and I really enjoyed her story. I could see myself doing the same thing.

Here is a small snippet from her story…. “Days spent along aren’t filtered through anyone else’s moods or subject to another’s whims or preferences; likewise, I don’t have to manage or compromise my own mods or whims, because they don’t affect anyone but me…. (agree!)

“One rainy afternoon, I sat in the Musee de l’Orangerie with no one else around, a private vista of Monet’s water lilies wrapped around me.” 

Water lilies by Claude Monet at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris.

Just beautiful, I hoped you enjoyed this post and check out the book. To read part one of my post see here.
(photos via Pinterest)