Eating with Fresh Herbs

Last summer my mother in law went to the grocery store and picked up some fresh herbs. She was so excited about her mint and parsley plants.

I thought it was a wonderful idea and decided to try it this summer so I went to my local grocery and picked up some mint and parsley. It is so nice having them on my window ledge.

You can smell the mint and it is just heavenly. I used the parsley in our weekly pasta meal and it was delish!

The plants themselves were not too expensive. If you can pick up some small ones from your local grocery. Having them around will put a smile on your face.

My herbs

I chopped up the parsley and put it in the sauce. Ohhh so good!

A simple yet delicious dinner. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

My Dinner Rotation Meals

Keeping a home schedule is very important to me. Earlier this year I talked about having An Elegant Routine and in that entry I talked about my dinner rotation list.

Every week I head to the grocery store. I am not one to stock up on food. I don’t know why but I like going every week. I like talking with the florist and I like talking with the cashiers.

It’s nice to have some “people time”. I always write out a grocery list on Friday nights. I keep the same meals through out the week and we shift days but the meals stay the same.

Right now the meals that we rotate are: roasted chicken with olive oil and salt, red potatoes with olive oil and salt, steamed broccoli, french bread, rigatoni with herbs and meat sauce, chicken fingers with steamed rice and veggies, taco salad, chicken fettuccine, turkey sausage and steamed rice, fried chicken with mashed potatoes and veggies and bundt pan pizza (see recipe here).  

During the fall and winter I will pull out some of these dishes and replace them with chili, pot roast, potatoes and carrots, crock pot chicken with Campbell’s cream of chicken soup and baked spaghetti.

Below are some photos of some of our meals and video from my fav author Jennifer L. Scott and she talks about her meals with her family which are simple and easy. Enjoy!

Fried chicken meal

Panko crusted chicken meal (see recipe here)
Meat sauce with fresh herbs and rigatoni
(My daughter’s favorite)

Lemon crusted chicken

Bundt pan pizza
I love french bread! To learn about the dipping oil see here.

Another fried chicken meal. My family and I love chicken!

Another meal that I make is baked salmon. I have that once a week and I usually make it for myself. My husband and daughter do not like seafood. 

I hope you enjoy the video!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Principles of a Gracious Life ~ Ease

Whenever we experience freedom from constraint, pain, agitation or worry, we sense the pleasant satisfactions of naturalness. When we’re not making an effort, when we have relief from labor and are able to be carefree, we can feel rested, be quiet and tranquil, secure in the ease and comfort of our mind and heart. We need relaxation and a moment’s peace in order to live graciously, and when we do find this sense of calm, we experience greater dexterity in our performance. By backing away we move forward with grace.

~The Principles of a Gracious Life
by Alexandra Stoddard

Principles of A Gracious Life ~ Appreciation

photo credit Melnychuk Nataliya
When we have a quick recognition of excellence, when we’re able to value someone or something, fully aware of the magnitude of their qualities, our illumination leads to being thankful, increasing the value of esteem. Being aware of the worth of appreciation is key to a gracious life. Whenever we esteem highly, we are validating life, its merit and worth.

When we are thankful, we ourselves increase in value, transcending time and place, becoming one with eternity. Of all the qualities of a gracious life, appreciation is the most essential. When we’re conscious of all the good and beautiful things and people in our lives, not judging, but living in continuous gratitude, we’re free to connect with the great, timeless truths. When we show appreciation, we’re recognizing the divinity within us, our true identity. 

~The Principles of a Gracious Life
by Alexandra Stoddard

The Details of Home ~ 2

Small details around one’s home are everything. I love going to visit a friend or going to a home show and viewing all the “small details”. I look at everything. I look at the paint colors, plates, towels, carpets, the floors, bed linens, I mean you name it I pay attention to all the details of home.

Home can be a wonderful place. It is a place of safety and serenity. I wrote a post about 2 years ago called Small Details Around the Home”.  This post is a continuation of the details around my home. I have made some changes and have added some things. I do enjoy my home and I am very grateful for what I have.

My black and white chairs that I picked up at Costco.

My sitting room. To get the details on my pillows see here.

Our bedroom. I love my wing~back bed. To get the details on the bed see here.
My home office

Fresh flowers in the bedroom

My kitchen chandelier. I still love it! To see the details click here.
A new chandelier in my closet. 

My elegant arm candy.

Fresh flowers everywhere in my home…

My art on my wall in the office.

My favorite body spritz perfume (Amazing Grace).
The bottle says:
Philosophy: how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get 
down the mountain. and so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big
gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, it all comes down to one word.
grace. it’s how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck,
the darkness and the light. 

Roses in my home office. To see more of the candles click here.
The scent in this photo is called “Garden”. 

The new dinner plates I found at T.J. Maxx. I love blue and white dinnerware. 

Lilies in my blue and white vase in the family room.
I hope you enjoyed the small details of my home. I hope to do another post soon showing other details of my home that I enjoy. Remember celebrate you life and do not let toxic people stop you from seeing the wonder in your life because they can’t see theirs. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Are Flowers Good for You?

I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw this article Can Flower Bouquets Actually Make You Healthier? As most of you know I LOVE flowers! I buy 2 to 3 bouquets a week.

I love having a bouquet at work and at least two at home. There is just something about waking up and seeing fresh roses on my nightstand or coming home and opening my mail on my kitchen island and having a big vase full of white lilies.

The scent and beauty just take me away for a moment. Then I look over and see my daughter smiling at me. She loves red roses so I buy her a bouquet twice a month for her bedroom.

But reading this article about some of the benefits to having flowers and plants around is just another reason why I celebrate beauty. Here are some of the reasons….

“Some plants can really help us, while others can be a trigger for patients with lung disease such as asthma,” says Raj Dasgupta, MD, a pulmonary sleep doctor and professor at the Keck School of Medicine at University of Southern California.
Most plants, however, will help you breathe better, says Dr. Dasgupta. (It’s probably best to talk to your doctor about potential triggers or allergens if you do have any lung conditions, though.) On a cellular level, plants give the human body the oxygen it needs to create food, while humans exhale carbon dioxide—grub for plants. In case you’re rusty on 7th grade science, that healthy relationship is called symbiosis.
My peony bouquet at the office
“Little things can go a long way,” he says. “Research has found that patients who have flowers and plants in their hospital rooms take less pain medication and have less anxiety.”

photo credit Mrs. Shockley
Plants can also reintroduce humidity into the air by releasing water, helping lubricate the nasal passages and the back of the throat.
“Lack of humidity creates an environment in your body that breeds infections,” says Dr. Dasgupta. “That’s why in the dry wintertime you see so many people getting the cold and flu. Water released naturally by plants will help with sore throats, dry skin, and heavy dry cough.”

WHAT A PSYCHOLOGIST SAYS: Bouquets can help you reach your goals.

On a more primal level, flowers appeal to our two most important senses: sight and smell.

“Smell is one of the most primal of our senses, and sight is our primary sensation,” says Kopec. “Combining our primary sensation with our primal sensation evokes strong feelings, happiness, and brings about a lot of positive moods.”

photo credit Aerin Lauder Instagram account

Barnard’s advice: Strategically place a bouquet where you’ll see it when you open your eyes in the morning. “If the first thing you see every morning is natural and beautiful, rather than, say, a turned-off television screen, it’s going to give you a more positive start to your day.”

I really enjoyed this article of course. I absolutely adore flowers. If you wish to read more about my flowers at home see here, here, and here.

text via Town and Country 

Principles of a Gracious Life ~ Elegance

My photo of the greenhouse at the Biltmore.
If you would like to read about my visit to the Biltmore Gardens see here.
“When we are sensitive to beauty in simplicity and mildness in manners, and choose to conduct ourselves in this consciousness, elegance results. Being refined in appearance, form, and style indicates that we not only respect and care for ourselves, but that we take others seriously as well. Showing interest and concern for and being receptive and responsive to those we come into contact with makes us examples of grace.”

~The Principles of a Gracious Life
by Alexandra Stoddard