Teddy Blake ~ A Review



Good Morning Friends,

I feel as though I got a lot completed this week. I got some things accomplished at the office and some of my business responsibilities are completed as well. Tomorrow is my first house shift duty at this year’s showhouse. I will share photos if I can. It will not be a lot because the interior designers are just started the renovations. I am excited to see the process!

I got into a car accident this past Tuesday evening. A gentleman with no driver’s license, no insurance, and barely spoke English hit my car. Now the damage is bad but not bad. I will be dropping it off on Monday for repair and hopefully picking up my rental. My car is still drivable. He hit my front driver side light. The bumper has damage. The light is busted, and my camera was hanging out. It’s okay. I was just in shock at how it happened. He turned from the far-left lane into my car. I don’t understand it.  The good thing was a witness riding behind me saw the whole thing and stayed with me until the police came! Now how wonderful was that! I am looking forward to getting my car in the shop on Monday that is for sure.

Now on to something fun!

A few weeks ago I made a purse purchase. Now I have been on the hunt for a cream-colored tote and honestly, I still am. I saw Jennifer L. Scott’s review on Youtube and decided to take a look at Teddy Blake. I really liked the bag that she had. So I ordered the Gigi Palmelatto in light beige.



Now the bag was beautiful! Jennifer did not lie about the craftsmanship. This bag was so well-made, and the smell of the leather was heavenly. The size was perfect, and it was wonderfully chic! I have no complaints. The only thing was I did not like how complicated the hardware was. I like to be able to get into my bags pretty easily and this bag was not easy for me. Also, the color was not as light as what I wanted so the quest continues for a cream-colored tote. 

Would I recommend Teddy Blake? Absolutely! I am still searching their website for beautiful bag, but I am not in a hurry. 



I do love my Kate Spade Manhattan Houndstooth tote! The organizational components that it has suits my life so well! As I stated, the quest continues. Let me know in the comments section below if you have a Teddy Blake handbag and if so, what are your thoughts. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We have been getting snow all week and to be quite honest I am very happy to see it. Enjoy! 



This post is not sponsored. 

January Favorites ~ 2023



Good Morning,

This will be my first favorites list for 2023! This is also tax time for me. I am trying to get all of my documents together and get everything organized before I file. With my regular job, the blog, the boutique, and my influencer work, tax time has been a very busy time for me. There is a lot that needs to be done. I am looking forward to when I am completely done with it. Then I want to focus on getting new inventory for the boutique. That is always the fun part!

I finally finished season 1 of the Crown and I am now starting season 2. Let me know in the comments section below what series you are watching. Now on to my favorites for the month of January.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


My first favorite is my Royal Albert Tea for One set that I purchased from Wedgwood. I love it so much! I have been wanting this for quite some time and decided to go ahead and purchase it. I am so happy that I did!



The second favorite is my Staffordshire dogs that I purchased from an Instagram account called Willow Road Interiors. She also has an Etsy page as well. Now I think I have may share that I don’t normally like these figurines. In fact, most of them (to me) are quite ugly. But when I saw these, I instantly loved them! Here is another pair that you might like. Check out her account! 



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


Third on my list were these yellow tulips that I found at the local grocery store. It has been so cold, gloomy, and dark here in Indy that having these for a week during January was a joy! They were so bright, cheery, and added a lovely feeling to our home. 




Fourth on my list has been my most FAVORITE thing this month! I love this new houndstooth tote from Kate Spade. Now I will share that during this month I did purchase a Teddy Blake bag, but I sent it back. I will be sure to share that experience but after sending it back I saw this and could not resist it. A few influencers did purse tutorials on YouTube. Here is the one that sold me! I love it! No regrets!




Oh this one was good as well! I saw this on Amazon months ago and decided to go ahead and order it! So glad I did! It comes in 21 colors. It is the perfect wrap cardigan! I will be wearing this while traveling and I think I may be wearing it during the spring! The fabric is so soft, it wraps so easily, and it’s the perfect pink. It’s perfect you guys! 



Sixth on my list was my latest blue and white haul at HomeGoods. I wanted this peony arrangement in the blue and white vase and it sold out at the HomeGoods near me. My co-worker went to her location and found it! So of course, I go and in addition to getting that arrangement they had some blue and white on sale! What a wonderful surprise! Also I was able to shop alone so that made it all the more worthwhile. 

And the last favorite for this month was a new YouTube channel that I found!


Mariana is another influencer who enjoys being elegant. I love her style and enjoy her videos. I hope you will enjoy her content as well. 

Well, that is it for my favorites for January. The quest for beautiful things is always on my radar and I hope to find more beautiful items to share next month. Have a great Monday!


Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.




Cameo Details



Hello Everyone!

I did so much better these past two week with my bedtime. Getting rest is really important to my body and it lets me know when it’s not happy. Did any of you see the new book that Jennifer L. Scott shared on her Instagram? It’s called “Fast like a Girl” A Woman’s Guide to Using the Healing Power of Fasting to Burn Fat, etc”.  I am really curious about it. I have hit a wall with my weight loss, and I am trying to figure out where I am now. I know that I am having some hormonal changes and I am trying to learn about that as well. Let me know if you have done intermittent fasting. I am so curious about everyone’s results. 

I also wanted to know if any of you have watched the Wedding Veil Series on the Hallmark channel? I absolutely love this series and I am so happy with how it is written, the cast, and the story line. First off, they all have careers in the Arts! Now how great is that? They did such a great job with this series. This past weekend I watched the 5th installment called The Wedding Veil Inspiration. I loved this one as well. I also try to pay attention to the details after I watch it a first time. I pay attention to their homes, their offices, how the dress, etc. In this particular episode I fell in love with Lacey Chabert, “Avery”, cameo brooch on her beautiful pink coat!



So I tried to pause the movie and take a photo of it. Can you see it? How lovely is that? 



I tried to get a photo up close, but this is the best that I could get. Now you guys know that this inspired me and put me on the hunt to search for something similar. I did find a few on Etsy. I found this one, this one, and this one

I’ll be sure to share whatever I order. Let me know in the comments below if you have been watching the series. Do you enjoy it? Yes or no? Have a great weekend!

Oh I must tell you all! Sarah Flint is having a 40% off select styles sale! Oh my goodness, get over to the website! A pair that you love just might be included. If not then don’t forget to use my code SARAHFLINT-BASMSSHOCKLEY for $50 off your first order!



Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.

Beauty Firsts ~ My First Facial



Good Morning,

I hope you all had a great weekend! I got a lot of housework done and took a look at my home binder. There are so many things that I want to update in my home! It’s going to take a lot of time and money! We did receive some good news! Lauren got accepted into the college that she wanted! We are so excited for her! All weekend I just kept thinking about how fast 20 years went by. Rick and I met in 2003 and now it’s 2023. It’s incredible! Really it is. 

I am still unsure about 2023 but I know one thing getting my first facial this year has been a highlight that is for sure! It was one of the best beauty experiences that I have ever had. I went to Woodhouse Spa of course to get my first facial. 



The girl that did my facial her name was Allison, and it was phenomenal! We tied up my hair and she had me lie down on the bed that eventually got very warm. Once I did that, she turned on the steam and began to cleanse my face. I removed my eyelashes so that I was free to enjoy the experience.

She exfoliated my skin, got rid of some blackheads and massaged my face, neck, and shoulders! It was a dream for sure! It lasted for about an hour, and I tell you I could barely get up out of that bed to go get my pedicure! I was so relaxed and sleepy! 

I can’t wait to get another one this year. I may wait until the summer or maybe the fall. I am not sure yet but I will be planning another facial for sure. I am also interested in their waxing services. Please let me know in the comments section below if you have ever had a facial or waxing services. I would love to know your thoughts!

Don’t forget to shop the boutique! Most of the dresses are on sale and shop my favorites page as well! 



New Soundings… An Antique Store!



Good Morning,

These Fridays are coming fast! This weekend I just have a few errands to run. On Wednesday I went to Woodhouse Spa to have my monthly pedi and also got my first facial! It was a dream! I have made a decision that when family or friends ask what I want for my birthday or any other celebration I will be saying a gift card toward services at Woodhouse! I loved it!

I may also consider having them give me gift cards to my favorite antique stores. I found a new one recently. It is called Surroundings.  My husband had suggested it to me a while ago, but it just didn’t look like it had anything. Boy was I wrong!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


As soon as you walked in it was wonderful blue and white ginger jars everywhere! And they were not the cheap ones either! 



Then I turned around and saw this dreamy display! I wanted practically everything on it. Especially the one with the gold accents. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley


A gentleman by the name of Gary owned the store. He said that he had been there for years and gets new shipments every other week. He had artwork, vintage chandeliers, porcelain lamps, beautiful rugs, and vintage furniture. Every nook and cranny was packed with vintage finds. 



I circled the store 3 times. Yes 3 times! I could not help it. Every time I came around I found something new to look at. 



There were so many things that I wanted. Including this beautiful green ginger jar. Isn’t it a lovely color?



After talking with the store owner and walking around a few more times it was time to make a few purchases. I got the gold leaf frame, bubble bee, Hermes inspired card box and the Together at the Table book! I have not had a chance to look at the book but will be sure to share it soon. Oh I also purchased a Hermes inspired blanket.  I may share it in my January Favorites. 

Let me know what you think about the new store! I know that I will be returning again soon! I have some video footage of it as well and may share it on Instagram. 

Have a great weekend! 



Top Posts ~ 2022



Good Morning Everyone,

I tried to get some rest this weekend. I was pretty much unsuccessful. I need to get back on a better sleep schedule this week. My body is not reacting well to not having enough rest. My body tends to get really “tight” when it is tired, and it shows on the scale. Not fun! Other than that, it was a very productive weekend. I got a lot of purging done! I am so excited! I am moving things and packing things up in my stepson’s room. I’ll be glad to have it completely maybe sometime this year! Now on to the top blog posts for 2022. 

Choosing the “top posts” of the year is always so hard. I do love going back and looking to see what inspired me. What new things did I try, purchases, places that I visited. In the end I always pull back and realize how blessed I really am! Thank you, Lord, for everything! 

Now let’s see what my favorites were in 2022!


In January…

January Favorites ~ 2022

So many great finds this month. I still love that teapot and teacups!



Thriving is Elegant

I loved learning about this quote from Maya Angelou. I still have it saved in my phone!



February ~ 2022

Lunch at a New Tea Room

I was so glad that I took a day to go and have lunch here. I may need to schedule this again. 



Would you Travel Alone?

I still think about this from time to time. Although I did just get to travel alone to San Diego without my daughter and husband. There is something that renews the spirit when you travel alone. It makes you focus on you and what you actually like. 


March ~ 2022

The Grandmilliennial Style of Ms. Rhimes

Still cannot get over this fabulous apartment of Shonda Rhimes!


photo credit: Michael Mundy


April ~ 2022

A Delightful Home Tour

This was the home tour that got me started with the Guild. This moment will always have a special place in my heart. 



I will be honest. Most of my blog posts in April I loved! Here they are!


May ~ 2022

Be Too Big to Care

This blog post came just in time. I needed to hear why I am on the course that I am on and not to get into the gutter with those who are not worth it. 



Joining the Guild

This was the same month where I joined the Guild and the Sarah Flint Family!



June ~ 2022

A Chicago Trip ~ Sarah Flint BA Meeting

I had not been to Chicago in over 10 years! It was a nice short trip, and I made more friends!



So many fun things happened in the month of June. I took a visit to the Cake Bake Shop, had a small backyard oasis, and went to my first peony festival! 


July ~ 2022

Touring the Magnificent Breakers

I simply LOVED Rhode Island. Mr. Shockley and I are hoping to visit again soon.



July was another great month of wonderful things. You may read all of the posts here. 


August ~ 2022

Lady of the House~ What is that for You?



In August I shared my trip to the Ralph Lauren Store in Manhattan and more mansion tours!



September ~ 2022

My First Spa Visit ~ Woodhouse Spa

I loved this! I actually go once a month now for a pedicure and will be getting my first facial next week! I will be sure to share the experience.


My First Guild Luncheon ~Woodstock Country Club

This was another fun event! I love all of these new experiences that I had in 2022. They made the year more fulfilling!



Plans for my 40th was another great post as well as my September Favorites. I always enjoy sharing those. 


October ~ 2022

During this month I went to my first concert! Going to see Diana Krall is an experience that I will never forget. It was wonderful. 



Of course, this month would not be complete without me sharing my 40th birthday celebration! I still can’t believe that I am 40. Honestly it sounds good saying it. 



November ~ 2022

This is the month where I shared my visit to Nashville, Tennessee. We did not get to stay long but seeing the Sarah Flint store and having dinner at Restoration Hardware were great introductions to the city!



And this year’s Thanksgiving celebration was simple and quiet. 



December ~ 2022

My Christmas Table setting was fun to create this year. My December favorites shared more of my adventures for this month and being in my first fashion show was a great experience! It turned out better than I thought it would. 



2022 was a wonderful year for me and my family! I am not sure what’s in store for us this year, but I am always praying that the Lord is with us and that everything we do, and plan is according to his will. Life has its ups and downs but trying to remain grateful is always at the center of my heart. Thank you for reading! 



Top Blog Posts from previous years





A Great Start to 2023…



Happy Friday Friends!

I have a few things planned for this weekend. I really want to go through my closet and do my seasonal closet review. It helps me keep things organized and in perspective. I really get honest with myself about what I am wearing and what I am not. Then I am packing up and cleaning my stepson’s bedroom. He NEVER comes home. So, my husband and I recently told him that we are taking over his room. Well, it will be me taking it over. I am turning it into my workout room. That boy never comes home, and his room sits! 

I am so looking forward to this new season in life. Although I will miss him being around, I will certainly enjoy more space! I still can’t believe it is 2023. I have my word for the year, and it is “worship”. Last year my word was “trust”. I know that the Lord wants me to worship him in all that I do. Especially, in my daily life. I hope that I can honor him by doing that this year. He has already sent a blessing my way this year. 

In early December, an editor from a digital magazine called NashvilleVoyager Magazine reached out to me and asked if I wanted to be a part of their inspiring stories series. This series is for individuals who are influencers, business owners, creators, artists, etc. I was really shocked when they reached out to me. I asked how they found me, and she said that someone from their magazine did. I am still curious as to how and who. 

I agreed to her small interview and a few weeks later an article about me was published on their website!



This was a wonderful surprise and a great start to 2023. When you have a moment, you can read the article. I tried to keep it as simple as possible. I hope you all still enjoy reading the blog and love shopping the boutique. Having this blog has been such a wonderful blessing to me over the years and I find myself going back and reading my old blog posts. This website is like my “giant journal”. It has captured my life over the last 10 years, and I hope it has been a blessing to you as well. Have a great weekend!