Things I Loved In 2019

Hi guys!! I know I promised you a home tour... it's coming soon! For now enjoy another view of my Chorus @arhaus cabinet in its new home!!…

Good Morning Everyone,

I am such a person of routine and don’t like change much but recently I have been craving change in some areas of my life. For one where I park in the morning has recently begun to drive me nuts!

I park about 4 blocks away from my office. Yes, you heard me 4 blocks! For the last 10 years that walk has never bothered me until recently. It was about two weeks ago when I was making that walk that I said in my mind, “okay, that’s it, I’m tired of this”. I don’t want to make this journey anymore. 

I no longer feel safe, the homeless are getting out of control, I have had too many men following me to my car, the mall is a mess and I want to be closer to my building. 

So I made a change recently. I have found a garage and it is across from where I work. So we will see how this new change goes for 2020. 

I have so many things that I want to accomplish this year but I wanted to review 2019. As I was going through all of my blog posts checking for the popular ones I found ones that I really enjoyed writing and wanted to share those. So below are MY favorite blog posts of 2019!

I actually need to do this now!

Still a dream! 

I need to print this blog post out!

I still love it!

Enjoy your Monday everyone!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

3 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs.Shockley,
    I love each and every one of your posts, however some of those listed were my favorites too! This weekend, I said to my husband, "It's time to plan our visit to see the Cherry Blossom Festival ". It was from that very post I decided to make it a tradition in my family to go. After all, we are only an hour away!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya,
      Thank you Mya. It's a great feeling when you can provide content that your readers enjoy. I can't believe you only live one hour away. That would be so tempting to visit more than once. It's like a dream.

  2. Aliyah
    Aliyah says:

    Hello Mrs.Shockley this was so great. I actually never had the privilege to read the Misty Copeland post. I read it and was so inspired. Thanks!😄

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